Thoughts on Purina feeds?

Try $18.99/bag + tax. My birds refuse to eat it out of the feeder. I have to fool them by throwing it on the ground like scratch, so they'll hunt and peck for it. They've gotten to the point, where they won't even eat mash made from it. Luckily, I've made it just about to the bottom of the bag, where it's even more dusty. They should be ashamed to sell crap like this.
Is 20% protein to high for pullets and hens?
It is not too high based on health reasons as at least some chickens can eat such protein levels for years on end without ill effects. That is what I feed many of my roosters, although I often cut the feed with some low protein components (scratch grains, pumpkin, persimmons) to lower protein to energy ratio. The being high is on it being well above the minimum required. When you are trying to feed chickens spending as little as you can, then you go with protein levels that at are lower as those feeds are less expensive to formulate.

What is essential from production / growth may not always align with what is needed for peak feather development or ability to repair physical damage. Latter two processes I associate with a higher need for protein. When birds neither growing, molting or repairing damage the protein requirement for maintenance is less than that used for egg production which is usually in the range of 15 to16%. This always assumes the essential amino acid component of the protein is balanced.
I gave in and bought a new bag of dumor this morning. Not worth the effort. Chickens aren’t that fussy, if they refuse to eat something, it probably is *that* bad.

Chickens hate change, and new feed can be rejected just because it's new to them. However, i think that Purina Mills has done a good job with their chicken feeds, and it seems to me that Dumor is cheaper for a reason.
But something fresh!
I wouldn't try Dr. Pol's feed myself.
Update on Dr Pol’s feed. I’m one week into it and the girls hate every bit of it. I had to go get Purina layer feed. Which is what I started off with originally. They managed to kick it out of the feeder and it’s all over the ground. Replaced it with Purina layer and they are happy again. Who knew they could be such divas

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