Thoughts on this Brahma?

Blue, my Brahma roo has proven five times now that he is infertile. I’ve tried trimming their butt fluff, ensuring the best diet, and I’ve tried to hatch eggs with hens, two incubators and at all points of the year. Firing blanks every time. The eggs are fertilised, but never has a single one developed. But that’s not why I’m posting. On Saturday, I’m collecting an 8 month old cockerel that the owner doesn’t want. He says that he got him alongside mixed pullets, but he slipped through. He looks pure to me, though his colour is bizarre. Just want to know anyone’s thoughts on his colour, type, purity, etc… even if I breed him and then use a rooster he fathers for breeding after that, I have hens of many colour so am not bothered about colours, if anything, the more varieties the better, though I try to breed them to show standard other than colour.
ThanksView attachment 3384966View attachment 3384967
He’s a mixed variety, probably a blue partridge mix
You’re probably right about him being a mix of colours. He’s a strange phenotype but I’m not complaining! He’s kind of the colours of a blue-gold birchen hen, though I don’t think birchen is common in Brahmas. I can’t wait to hatch some chicks from him (hopefully it works this time!)
Fingers crossed for you!
His colors are truly beautiful, I'm sure his chicks would be the cutest.
Birchen males have color in the shoulder and saddles as well as the hackles, so he's definitely not pure Birchen in the sense of the true variety. He is an interesting looking guy, though! Definitely interested in what the experts have to say on his color. :pop
Unfortunately, just before Easter, The Colonel (Brahma roo this post is about) died randomly. So I had the silkies sit in some eggs. Out of 15 Brahma eggs and 5 other breeds, I got one Brahma and one layer cross.This is the little one fathered by the colonel. Looking to be blue I think, looking forward to seeing if he developed the same hackle colour as his dad. At least I’m hoping it’s a boy, because I need a new fertile cockerel.
Birchen males have color in the shoulder and saddles as well as the hackles, so he's definitely not pure Birchen in the sense of the true variety. He is an interesting looking guy, though! Definitely interested in what the experts have to say on his color. :pop
Exactly my confusion. It appears too much gold for leakage (not definitely) but not enough for a birchen/partridge. Not sure if lacing or melanisation is at play, some barnevelders produce a similar pattern, though still not identical. I suppose hatching is a fun way to find out for sure.

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