Thoughts on this coop?


Mar 6, 2017
I'm new to chicken keeping - we got our first chicks a week ago. They are doing great and we are looking at coop ideas. we need something big enough for 5 hens (1 EE, 2 silver Wyandotte, and 1 golden Wyandotte. My husband really likes this coop, but I'm not sure it is large enough or how well it is built. We can do some modifications to it if needed. The hens will be allowed some free range time every day, but may need to be kept up at times since we have dogs.
Thoughts/ideas/experiences with this coop? Thanks in advance![VIDEO]


To put it bluntly, no prefab coops like that one are good. They're tiny, they're made out of bad material, they don't hold up to the elements at all, and, even though it's a chicken coop, often they seem as if they were designed with no knowledge of chickens whatsoever.

You're much better off building a coop than buying any type of coop like that.

Plus this one is only big enough to hold two chickens in the coop space, and the run space is only 18 square feet, which actually isn't even room enough for the two birds the coop could hold.
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Assuming their numbers are accurate, the actual coop portion can hold 2 chickens (maybe 3, if you push it). If you're willing to turn the entire thing into a coop your flock could fit, you'd need to take apart the actual housing and then run a roost bar diagonally or lengthwise, and then build an appropriately sized run outside.
Thank you all. This is what I was afraid of. Any tips or pointers or guidance on how to go about building a coop for my 5 girls? We need it to be fairly budget friendly as well.
My husband likes the idea of a tractor so they can be moved around the yard. Thoughts on this as well.
Based on your breeds, this set-up would be very small for them. The perch would only allow them 6 inches apiece, the coop floor less than 2 square feet per bird (1.74) and the run area is quite low for birds that are going to be spending significant time inside their home. Too small an area creates stress and can lead to aggressive behavior. Although there are a lot of different opinions, the standard usually suggests coop floor space of 4 square feet per bird and 10 square feet per bird for run space. The recommended perch space for your size birds is 9-10 inches each. There are some very good sources on this site or from other sources that can give you guidelines, I provided a link to one such publication below. Chickens Information Publication.pdf

You are wise to seek information on a coop kit from others who may have bought one, some come with pretty shoddy materials. Consider building your own, that way you can incorporate all those features you want.

Good luck on your hunt for a home for your birds.
Thank you all. This is what I was afraid of. Any tips or pointers or guidance on how to go about building a coop for my 5 girls? We need it to be fairly budget friendly as well.

Check out the coops section, lots of good ideas in there. Also there is a tractor section too. Just be sure whatever you build is big enough, 4 square feet per bird in the coop :)
Thanks everyone!
I found this coop local to me. It needs cleaned up and painted, but would this be an okay size for my 5 girls? It's actually bigger than the recommended 4 sq foot per bird. I didn't know if this would make it harder for them to keep warm?? We would build a run to attach to it.
Thanks everyone!
I found this coop local to me. It needs cleaned up and painted, but would this be an okay size for my 5 girls? It's actually bigger than the recommended 4 sq foot per bird. I didn't know if this would make it harder for them to keep warm?? We would build a run to attach to it.
As long as there is not rot it don't look bad. IT wont hold 20 birds but 10-12. I would go look at that and if you can get for 400 it would be a awesome deal. Granted no rot only needing paint. You'd be hard press to build it right 3/4" floor t-11 siding for $400. If they still have it (poste a month ago) I'd not pay full price. I wouldn't worry about it being big. chicken math happens all the time.

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Thanks Scott!
They do still have it. They are sending me additional pictures in the morning. They are asking $600, but I'm not to keen on that price.

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