Thoughts or concerns?


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2018
Does anyone see anything wrong with trying this my Rouens are 3 weeks old. I put their water up on a tote with holes in the lid to catch the mess. I also put their food next to the water
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The only thing we would recommend is put the water right next to the food because they don't have salivary glands and they need to have the water along with their food at the same time... We can't see exactly what you're asking is right or wrong though...??
Have you witnessed the ducklings climbing up there? Some ducks seem to be better at figuring out steps and things than others ;) If it's too high they might need a ramp. Also you may need to show them where the water's at.
Have you witnessed the ducklings climbing up there? Some ducks seem to be better at figuring out steps and things than others ;) If it's too high they might need a ramp. Also you may need to show them where the water's at.
It hard to see but there is a ramp then a 2" step. They have been up there but get confused by change in their surroundings

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