Thread for those HATCHERS that are starting there count down!

Chicken Charlotte

Out of the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Hey guys,

I made a new thread because my last batch did not go to well, so I decided to start all over again my best broody is sitting on some new eggs.
Tell me if your in for this one i'm day three but late hatchers can still join I guess its my early easter hatch because I wont have time for the easter hatch
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I just set up my first bator! Only 3 eggs, and we don't even know if they're fertile, but we'll see how it goes.
Hopefully there will be a few more waiting in the duck house soon so I can add them to the batch before too long.
I have a week left on my eggs. I'm crossing my fingers as some of them got a bit older waiting on the others to be laid. We'll see.
just put some in my incubator, they are a mix between rhode island red, and a gold laced polish rooster, and i have a little black chicken with red on her hackle feathers, it is also mixed in with the bunch of eggs
Great Everyone I hope that we get some little fuzzy bums!
4HMomma Make sure you tell us what you get even share some pictures!
I certainly will! Should be 75% silver phoenix and the rest (and oldest eggs) will be bantie white rocks. After this set we start hatching out for the layers. That's always fun. We have such a wide array of birds in there you never know what you'll hatch.

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