Thread for Young Christians Maturing in Their Faith

Hi, everyone. If you could be praying for those here in the west with all the fires...that would be great. Especially for those who have had to evacuate. The west is on flames, and we desperately need rain. The smoke where I am is terrible, the air quality dangerous. Many can’t be outside for a minute without having critical health issues, including me. Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. And for anyone viewing this who is in California or Oregon, my heart goes out to you. You have been struggling with so much right now, and I have only been met by a fraction of what you are experiencing. I can offer little to you but my prayers and a few verses of hope I found:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Hope in the LORD; for with the LORD, there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. Psalm 130:7 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:20
We'll all be praying for you and all of the people in California and Oregon. I'd gladly send you some of the rain we've been getting this week. 4 inches could help a little.
Those are amazing verses. Jeremiah 29:11 is a really good one, I must agree.
Peace I leave with you, peace I give to you: Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
Any updates on the fires nearby, @Starburst?
Currently, there are still several large fires in the region, but only a handful of small ones close to my place. We are expecting a rainless thunder/lightning storm where I am this Thursday. Hoping it'll change, and if not, I really hope nothing catches on fire. The air quality is getting more dangerous and there's a lot more smoke coming in. I'm probably going to move my chickens in to protect them. However, what I do know for sure is that no matter what happens, God has a plan for each and every one of us. And no matter what it is, I know I can trust Him.
Currently, there are still several large fires in the region, but only a handful of small ones close to my place. We are expecting a rainless thunder/lightning storm where I am this Thursday. Hoping it'll change, and if not, I really hope nothing catches on fire. The air quality is getting more dangerous and there's a lot more smoke coming in. I'm probably going to move my chickens in to protect them. However, what I do know for sure is that no matter what happens, God has a plan for each and every one of us. And no matter what it is, I know I can trust Him.
Wow. Praying that the thunderstorm (if it comes) will bring rain.
Currently, there are still several large fires in the region, but only a handful of small ones close to my place. We are expecting a rainless thunder/lightning storm where I am this Thursday. Hoping it'll change, and if not, I really hope nothing catches on fire. The air quality is getting more dangerous and there's a lot more smoke coming in. I'm probably going to move my chickens in to protect them. However, what I do know for sure is that no matter what happens, God has a plan for each and every one of us. And no matter what it is, I know I can trust Him.
wanna rp?
If so which one?

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