Three chicks dead within few hours


Apr 24, 2020
Chicks are fine - then all of a sudden I see one away from flock acting lethargic, breathing heavy. Soon after, they are on their back and convulsing before dying just seconds later.

Bought at TSC about 5 weeks ago.

It was a mix of Wyandotte’s and Americanas. I had 7 now have 4. Should o do something ? What?

Worried I will find more dead in the morning
When you have sudden unexplained deaths of chicks, suspect moldy feed, tainted water, contamination from insecticides, paint thinner, glue, fumes from soldering or welding, something that you normally don't see come into contact with chicks.

A year ago, I lost two chicks about that age to a poisonous caterpillar.

You need to do some detective work.

If the chicks were sick, you would see symptoms. Sudden death with no symptoms points to a toxic substance.
Chicks are fine - then all of a sudden I see one away from flock acting lethargic, breathing heavy. Soon after, they are on their back and convulsing before dying just seconds later.

Bought at TSC about 5 weeks ago.

It was a mix of Wyandotte’s and Americanas. I had 7 now have 4. Should o do something ? What?

Worried I will find more dead in the morning
Did you ever find anything out? This is literally the same situation that happened to me. A mix of Wyandotte’s and americauna’s just like you from TSC. 2 died 4 days ago, and today in a span of 3 hours 9 more died and my last three arnt looking well. I’ve crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s and can’t figure anything out. At first thought it was heat stroke, temperature is fine. Treated for Coccidiosis just in case. Had a good response for 2 days and then the most of them died. Just found out today though that you can’t mix Corid and vitamins together and I did 😞
Did you ever find anything out? This is literally the same situation that happened to me. A mix of Wyandotte’s and americauna’s just like you from TSC. 2 died 4 days ago, and today in a span of 3 hours 9 more died and my last three arnt looking well. I’ve crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s and can’t figure anything out. At first thought it was heat stroke, temperature is fine. Treated for Coccidiosis just in case. Had a good response for 2 days and then the most of them died. Just found out today though that you can’t mix Corid and vitamins together and I did 😞
Just B-1 thiamine. All other vitamins are okay. It's just B-1 that the coccidia feed on.

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