Three hens digging holes? Whats up with that?

My wyandotte has been digging herself a hole for the last couple of days. She seems to be the only true digger in my flock the other will to dust bathe but she digs like there is no tomorrow!
They seem to love any spot that is warm (south facing) and dry. You can preempt the digging a little if you make them a really attractive/compelling dustbath in such a place, south facing (in the summer they like it in the shade, though) and fill it with sand and a little DE. It's great to see them digging down into it and enjoying themselves so much.
Honestly the only downside to free range chickens, the holes I keep stumbling into.

Providing them with a big rubbermaid trough of dirt in the barn has helped me tons. Way less holes in the yard, and using DE in it has ended the mites that the wild birds used to bring annually. They really like fine dusty stuff most so when it's wet outside they use the inside dirt only.
When I first started on BYC, there was a picture that someone had posted of a neat little dust bath house they had made for the girls. It looked like a little chiki hut with sand and DE. The roof kept it dry.
I think they used those landscape rings that you put around trees to hold the dust in.

I may give that a try one day.
HI, I live just north of SF and am new to the group......but have gained a LOT of information and ideas. Thank you all. The hole digging is incredibly interesting to me. I have read all the info on the board about this. And I guess the consensus is that this dust bathing is just plain normal. Is that correct? I was worried that it meant mites, but have checked my chickens very thoroughly and I do not see any mites. What do you think? I should not worry like a mother hen? Carol
Relax - they don't do it because they have mites, they do it because it's instinctual and helps prevent mites. Dunno how, because it seems sorta counter-productive to me, but it sure is fun watching them do it.

Unless it's in the middle of a garden. Today I'm putting up chicken wire (about the only thing that stuff is good for, keeping JUST chickens in or out) around my raised beds. It will look a little (okay, a LOT) tacky, but it will keep the chickens out of the beds.
Ha ha mine do that all the time!! I will step in the door to take care of them, and nearly break my ankle in a hole!!!
They will all just whistle and walk around with those little onry chicken smirks on their beaks, all the time doing their
best to get under foot while I'm feeding and watering them!!! Little stinkers!!
I set up an old tractor tire filled with sand and wood ashes for them to dust bath in. They use it all the time, but some of the hens just have to have their own little dirt hole of their own.

My backyard currently looks like a lunar landscape also! Holes everywhere! And it's mostly my gl wyandotte who digs them and then all the others use them! I tell you when they are really rolling around in the dirt they act alomost like they are drunk. It is so much fun to watch!


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