Three-month old pullet with sprained leg not getting better.


Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Dec 11, 2009
Colorado Rockies
Last week my three-month old Blue Australorp Jules hurt her left leg. I've been treating her with aspirin and the leg is getting no better.

At one point, she was slipping away from not eating enough to maintain her energy levels. Same with drinking. I began tube feeding with vitamins plus E and B a couple days ago, and her energy has returned to the point that she doesn't lie about with her eyes closed.

She is able to raise herself up part way on her legs, but the pain seems to be keeping her from being able to stand. When she tries to take a step, she ends up losing her balance and tumbling. Then she lies there all akimbo, half passed out from the stress of it all.

I tried a chick chair today and thought it was working out all right. She was eating and drinking from the container I fastened to the crate. I left her for half an hour, and when I returned, she had attempted to pop herself out of the restraints, got one loose, and was lying half conscious over the side.

I syringed some sugar water with B-complex into her and she revived. She's now lying on the ground in the run as she's been doing since the accident, which I didn't witness, so no clue how she hurt herself.

I've come up dry on what to do next. Any ideas?
No vets here that know the first thing about chickens. The two in town vets will not see or treat chickens. It's a predicament that most of us here on this site face. It's why we try to help one another through our collective experience and knowledge. Often the outcome is far superior to what most vets can accomplish.

The leg is not broken. It may have a hairline fracture or strained ligament. There is no apparent swelling. She is able to put weight on the leg which wouldn't be possible if it was broken or if a tendon was torn. This is why I suspect it's a strained ligament or tendon.

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