Three new pullets...what should I feed them??


Feb 18, 2023
Kingsport, Tennessee
Hello, friends. We just got three new pullets yesterday. We only have the layer feed for the other four girls. Is it OK to feed the pullets layer feed?? They are betwixt 6 and 12 months according to our friend who gave them to us, but we aren't exactly sure which point they are closer to. My "logical" idea is that layer feed will have more nutrients, and so wouldn't hurt the new ones at all, but I'm not a chickenologist to know for certain. What sayest thou?
My "logical" idea is that layer feed will have more nutrients,
The single thing layer feed has more of is calcium for shell strength, that's it.

At 6 months or older if they haven't already come into lay, they may or may not before winter solstice comes, so I'm a little on the fence of whether or not I'd want to feed them layer at this point. It's probably okay, but might not be my preference.

If they're already laying then layer feed is fine.
I don't believe they are laying yet, but they must be close at this age. However, winter is just around the corner, so would it be safe to assume they won't start laying until spring? Should I switch all the girls over to all flock for the winter? They do get oyster shells and grit on demand as well.

And pictures will be forthcoming on the morrow!! :)
I don't believe they are laying yet, but they must be close at this age. However, winter is just around the corner, so would it be safe to assume they won't start laying until spring? Should I switch all the girls over to all flock for the winter? They do get oyster shells and grit on demand as well.
They may or may not lay before the days start getting longer, that's the tricky thing about birds coming into lay around this time of year. I wouldn't be surprised if some did and some didn't.

I'd opt for the all flock myself, at least until they lay or all look close to laying (red combs and wattles).
Oh, and the combs on the new girls are really short. Is that normal for pullets??
Short as in not plump and not red? That would mean they're not yet ready to lay.

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