Three week old still with very limited ffeather development, should I be worried?

I am the brooder

Love it , I have chicks in my sleeves or down my shirt alot
Like this you mean?
What happens when it poops?

I have chicks and my basement, and one is super special. We call her Dovely. Because she looks like a dove, and is lovely. Weird? Probably. She loves to snuggle, and runs to greet me when I put my hand in the playpen. She's definitely a she at 6 weeks it's easy to tell. :)

Just curious what you do at night.. Wouldn't the chick get lonely when you aren't around?
Well, my shirt gets poop in it but I clean it out and for now its not much. When they get older they dont ride in my clothes so it is not an issue. This little black one sleeps with me. She mostly sleeps on my chest and stomach so my pjs get a little poop on them but not bad. When I have to leave I put her in a box with some sox stuffed with warm flax seeds. She crys for a bit but then quiets right down and waits to her my voice. Its really not a problem and I enjoy having her with me so much. Im retired so I dont have to leave her that much.
Six week up date:
This certainly is a mystery. Finally some other-than-wing feathers are appearing. Not in the normal places though. Still no tail feathering or shoulder area feathering either. On the shank area and " knee" areas finally some additional feathering is starting.

I took this yesterday of her. You can see where she is getting some feathering but only on her shanks and "knee" areas. Ive never seen anything like this and Ive watched a lot of chicks develop.
It almost seems like she might have had a gene for no feathers. But you would think she would be bald bald not fuzzy if she did . In the hatching eggs section the other day someone posted a seminar video , if you can go find it , it may be a page or two back you could watch it he talks about naked chickens maybe if you wrote him he would know about it? Otherwise I am at a complete loss . As long as she is healthy though and happy right.
Amazingly she is starting to get more feathers....and quickly. Overnight she sprouted shoulder, chest and even what looks like a ridge down her back. Still no sign of tail feathers though. Im wondering if my taking her outdoors in the cold for a few mins a day is encouraging the feathering. Ill post pics tomorrow. I didnt take any today to show what Im talking about regarding the new feathers.

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