Time to join in!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Hi! I have been browsing this site for a while, learning a lot!
We have four chickens, we got them about 5 weeks ago from a very nice lady who had a bit too many :)
They are a black silkie and a tan showgirl silkie who are 15 weeks now, and a Barnevelder and EE who are 27 (!) weeks and I'm pretty sure they are beginning to lay, I found what I think were a shell less and a really soft shelled egg blobs on their poop board yesterday. So, fingers crossed for a real egg today or tomorrow! I bet I will be waiting for a loooong time for silkie eggs, but don't really care, they're mostly there for entertainment. Two of my kids picked the silkies, they were not in my plan, but just too ridiculous and goofy cute to pass up. My other kid picked the EE ( with my help, hee hee!) and I picked the Barnie. I'm thinking we will need to get two more at some point.... But we need to keep it small in our neighborhood, lots of stuck up summer house owners :-/
Glad to be a part of the fun here!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have a cute little flock, hope those first real eggs show up soon!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Make sure to have them on layer feed now and provide oyster shell on the side for hard egg shells.

I hope they start laying soon!
Your younger birds should just be on grower feed until they start laying. Silkies are extremely difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age, or when they crow or lay. Males of any breed should never be on layer feed.

Hope you have a pair of silkies- your showgirl should be bred to a silkie -
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a nice little flock. The Easter Eggers are my granddaughter's favorites. She loves the colored eggs. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting those eggs.
Thank you all for the welcome! My two big girls have finally started laying over the past week or so, they were 27-28 weeks old! I have been feeding them all flock raiser, with a side of oyster shell up high for the older ones and layer feed that I moistened to the older ones. My EE is laying light cream eggs and my Barnevelder dark, but not chocolate, brown. I know the Silkies were a gamble in hoping for girls, but they are 15 weeks now and I am still hopeful that they are both female. I'm not interested in breeding, just eggs and entertainment. I'm not betting on getting eggs from them till after winter though, so for now they are just here for comedic support. They are good at it :)
I will eventually get two more, a cream legbar and maybe a marans (or if I can find one, an isbar).
Here's a shot of my two eggs the other day- there's still two fakes in the nest box :p

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