time to play chicken mythbusters!


10 Years
May 21, 2009
Texas Hill Country!
Ok so a couple of questions for all you mythbusters out there! You know whether you get a new car, have a kid, buy a house or get chickens SOMEONE and EVERYONE is going to give you advise so here are a couple of things I need proven or busted......

#1 "you need to move the pen away from the house because once they start laying their poop will smell worse and there will be more of it"

#2 golf balls... are they good for anything other than snake protection?

I thought this thread might be fun also for others to join in and add their "myths" to be proven or busted!

We have our food stored in our garage and the chickens know it. So I would definately try to keep them away from your house, because they do tend to poo everywhere. And that causes quite a mess. Plus flies at this time of year.
Our coop smells fine, but maybe it's because it's next to the pigpen.
If a hobo stands next to a port-a-potty, the hobo may not smell too bad. Well..... that's certainly debatable.

(Before anyone gets all up in arms about my hobo vs. toilet comparison, telling me how insensitive I am, I'll take it upon myself to offer an apology in advance for my insensitivity.

So... I'm sorry, toilets.
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Our coop smells fine, but maybe it's because it's next to the pigpen.
If a hobo stands next to a port-a-potty, the hobo may not smell too bad. Well..... that's certainly debatable.

(Before anyone gets all up in arms about my hobo vs. toilet comparison, telling me how insensitive I am, I'll take it upon myself to offer an apology in advance for my insensitivity.

So... I'm sorry, toilets.

I haven't had a fly problem yet, my hens aren't laying but the drought is so bad I don't think I will get a fly problem... only time I see flies is when I feed the chickens watermelon and they are gone when the watermelon is....usually dosen't take long! they love it!
I put apple cider vinegar in the water for the poop smell, and use d.e. to keep the flies and the smell down.
I too have heard about using golf balls to show hens where to lay eggs.
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