Time to Start a Coop & Run


In the Brooder
May 8, 2017
The time has finally come!

After two years of thinking about chickens and spending countless hours of research my wife's seven Silkie chicks finally arrived along with seven BSL peanuts.

Now its time for me to get started on the coop before they out grow the brooder. Heck, I might need a few new tools for this job.

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Congrats on their safe arrival. ..yes, it is definitely padt time to get building as they'll be ready to be up and out in just a few weeks! Wise man, every project"needs" a new tool or two, lol. Do you have a design in mind?
This site has been great for ideas and narrowing in on a design.

The constraints of the yard, city ordinances, and the neighbors pretty much dictates a 4"x5' elevated coop with a 4'x8' run. I believe that should be adequate for the Silkies and of course the peanuts will need a new home.
Last weekend the electric and water was completed as well as leveling the area for the new coop. I am hoping to make good progress over this long weekend.

Looking pretty good so far. Wish I had better weather here for the rebuild I am planning. Looking at wind, clouds and rain (plus today a tornado warning out east) for the rest of the weekend.

And agreed, every new job needs a new tool. You never know what you wind up "needing"
Looking pretty good so far. Wish I had better weather here for the rebuild I am planning. Looking at wind, clouds and rain (plus today a tornado warning out east) for the rest of the weekend.

Thanks, no shortage of sun and blue skies here. Unfortunately it is already hittIng 100 degrees by noon.
Not as much progress last weekend as I would like bit I got the base primed, painted, deck on and the floor insulated.

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