Timeshare Vacations?????

We own a timeshare and they are fabulous little "apartments" and we have one right next door to Disney. Here are some pictures of an older one we had before we upgraded.

First two pictures are of one and the last two are of a different one.



Heres the other:


i dont have one but I used to work for a time share company. The best thing about it was it was more of a share of time with the resort not just one house. They had something like 2 dozen resorts around the world and all you had to do was call and book your "time share" at the destination you wanted to go to. I just cant remember the name of the company.
When people say don't buy one from a sales pitch they are right! It does cost way to much but it sure is nice having washer/dryer, dish washer, two baths and two bedrooms when you plan on staying a week. Now if you can get a used one cheap then I would say IF you really want one to do it that way. There are LOTS of people selling them cheap especially now. We can't wait to try out new one out...much better places to stay and they even have a nice bedroom loft area. Really cool but yes it's alot to spend on one vacation.
my boyfriend took his daughter to Disney 2 years ago and got one of those offers for his hotel stay. The particular hotel was crappy but he didnt complain too much about the pitch and got a good rate. I think he got some kind of rebate after he complained to the travel agent about the condition of the hotel.
Two tricks:

First is to buy a "twelve-month red" timeshare (one that's in high demand all year). Then you can always swap time at your timeshare for time at others in different locations.

Second is to buy a timeshare that has "weeks" instead of points. The week trades are typically one-for-one, but the points systems can end up shortchanging you a lot because of inflated points at desirable locations.

My parents own two time shares that are twleve-month red. One is located just outside their hometown (Phoenix, AZ) and they've never visited either of their timeshares. Instead, they continuously swap for time at others all over the world.

The nice thing about owning a timeshare is that it kind of 'forces' you to take vacation from work.

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