Tin roof in Pacific Northwest Weather


Feb 12, 2019
Victoria, BC, Canada
Hi everyone! My fiancé and I are building our coop and we are at the point where we want to roof our coop! However, we had originally planned on putting up Ondura Corrugated roofing, and after looking at reviews we decided to go with metal roofing instead. We had planned to have open rafters under the Ondura roofing to allow for ventilation, but upon changing roofing mediums we now have a question. In the damper pacific north west, should we put down plywood under the tin roof? Thinking about condensation and such. For reference, there are trees all around so not a lot of the roof will get heavy snow on top, or have as much ‘weather’ happening to it.

Thanks everyone!
Fair enough! Plywood bought and now waiting on the steel roofing to come in:)

Super excited, everything is coming along so well. Soon I will have a coop/run with some lovely little hens in it,waiting to lounge in the hammock with me in the summer and snuggle up in their cheerful yellow and white coop in the winter :))


Yes it's a good idea to have plywood sheathing under a metal roof, as condensation can be a major issue as we get cycles of freeze and defrost through winter days. Shouldn't cost too much to add and better to deal with it in advance rather than find out after the fact that it's an issue.

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