Tino just flogged my Grandma!!! Here is what i did:

My grandma is a wonderful lady haha. Here he is.
I can't be live my roo right now. He has always been slightly aggressive, he had his mean streak at 12-14 weeks, and has since calmed down, my Grandma and I were standing by the run, and he ran up and flogged her!!! Luckily his spurs are just bumps, but that crossed the line.

I grabbed a wood plank, and went at him, he tried to flog me, and I knocked him down, and chased him away from his girls, he ran at me again, and I knocked him back. He stared me down, then crowed, and to rub it in, mated with one of his girls, when he finished, I grabbed her,and held her, stroking her head. He was mad, but he fears me now, and didn't intervene. He doesn't come after me now, but I'm still worried about having people out with him. Any tips to keep others safe, and any ways to less aggresivly make my dominice clear? I can't get rid of him, but hope to move him into a bachelor pen soon.
Once a bad rooster....always a bad rooster in my opinion and experience. Kill him. Trust me he will be better in death than life, especially if you crock pot him. Human lives and protection are utmost in importance as well as the lives of your hens. He is cocky (pun intended) and cares nothing for the love of his girls....just wants to dominate everything. I have been raising for over 50 years and have never been able to change the disposition of any rooster enough to allow him to continue to live. Sorry to be blunt, but that is my experience and advice.
You might’ve just made it worse. You made him fear you, you may have seriously injured him, and now he sees you as a threat. He will attack anyone, or anything, he sees as a threat, so he won’t stop. You two will probably never have a good relationship again, probably not even a decent one. I’m not trying to judge you on how you handled the situation, but it wasn’t a very smart way to do it. At this point, it would be better if you either rehomed or culled him if you can’t handle his aggression. There isn’t much you can do to stop it anymore, sorry to be a downer. Fighting back isn’t a good way to stop aggression, in a lot of cases it is the cause of aggression. But, he isn’t my rooster, and I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want with him. I’ve found positive reinforcement and love is there best way to handle aggression, like what you would do with a puppy or a small child. Show him being nice gets him treats, but being mean doesn’t get him anything. Simply ignoring him when he is aggressive and walking away can teach him you don’t want to fight, and eventually he’ll stop. But, at this point, I don’t even know if that would work for you.

A lot of people see roosters as things you can just be aggressive back to, and then they get upset when the rooster continues to be aggressive. Fighting fire with fire won’t work, it just makes the fire burn brighter. In the pecking order, lower down roosters fight the top rooster to become the head. Showing him you are the boss makes you the top rooster, and he wants to be the top rooster. Of course, you could also just cull him, but as he has a name I’m assuming he is a pet.

My tip, unless you start training him without being aggressive, he won’t stop being mean. Having a nice roo is amazing, but being aggressive won’t get you one.

Sorry this post was a bit blunt, but I couldn’t find a softer way to write it. I don’t mean to be rude, and if any of this comes off as such I am deeply sorry.
Fantastic post. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I would add to this that you can build a bond and establish dominance GENTLY and without violence. Pick him up frequently and carry him around stroking him. Or hold him down on the ground as if he were a squatting hen for a few seconds every day. Walk boldly through him if he is sizing you up. If he looks like he is giving you the eye, or the sideways dance then hold your hand up firmly in his face and say NO loudly and then walk into his space (not up to him, just go past him).

Correcting his behaviour with kindness like you would train a puppy is a good analogy. And reward good behaviour with treats.

Remember, if you kick or beat a puppy when they make a mistake, they will just grow to fear and hate you and one day they will bite you hard. What you are aiming for here is Respect.
Remember, if you kick or beat a puppy when they make a mistake, they will just grow to fear and hate you and one day they will bite you hard. What you are aiming for here is Respect.

Or like with a child. I can speak from personal experience beating a child when they make a mistake or mess up does NOT make them like you whatsoever. It makes them hate you, it doesn’t make them look up to you and respect you. ( Note: I have never beaten a child in my life and never will, just incase what I said came off like that. I do not believe in physically punishing children, or any living being for that matter at all.)
Fantastic post. I couldn't have said it better myself.

I would add to this that you can build a bond and establish dominance GENTLY and without violence. Pick him up frequently and carry him around stroking him. Or hold him down on the ground as if he were a squatting hen for a few seconds every day. Walk boldly through him if he is sizing you up. If he looks like he is giving you the eye, or the sideways dance then hold your hand up firmly in his face and say NO loudly and then walk into his space (not up to him, just go past him).

Correcting his behaviour with kindness like you would train a puppy is a good analogy. And reward good behaviour with treats.

Remember, if you kick or beat a puppy when they make a mistake, they will just grow to fear and hate you and one day they will bite you hard. What you are aiming for here is Respect.
That was very well said, thanks, I have actually started doing it today lol. He is staying away from me. I have a feeling that will change.

Once a bad rooster....always a bad rooster in my opinion and experience. Kill him. Trust me he will be better in death than life, especially if you crock pot him. Human lives and protection are utmost in importance as well as the lives of your hens. He is cocky (pun intended) and cares nothing for the love of his girls....just wants to dominate everything. I have been raising for over 50 years and have never been able to change the disposition of any rooster enough to allow him to continue to live. Sorry to be blunt, but that is my experience and advice.
Thank you, I respect your experience, and your bluntness, but unfortunately I don't have the heart to kill him. In stubborn, so I'm going to keep trying. I'm build In him a separate place right now. If his hormones calm down, he stays. If worst comes to worst, I may have to look into s humane way to put him down, but I won't eat him. He us my beloved pet, and I love him. I'm going to try my hardest, but in the end, if Th as what's best for him, That it will be.
Or like with a child. I can speak from personal experience beating a child when they make a mistake or mess up does NOT make them like you whatsoever. It makes them hate you, it doesn’t make them look up to you and respect you. ( Note: I have never beaten a child in my life and never will, just incase what I said came off like that. I do not believe in physically punishing children, or any living being for that matter at all.)
today is the only day he was punished wirg aggression. It will never happen again, I don't wish harm on any living thing, I think you and I have very similar opinions on the rights of all living creatures, including people, and that includes my roo.
Kill him. Trust me he will be better in death than life, especially if you crock pot him

Bearing in mind the OP has already stated she is keeping him, and he is a pet.

I did have a cockerel who was initially aggressive but he settled down. Maybe there is still hope for Tino. I don't think putting himself alone in a bachelor pad is the answer. He's going to need company.

Since you are keeping him, I'd make sure he is thoroughly away from people you don't want him to peck - which is basically everyone, I hope 🤣 - I'd also wear high boots when you go into his pen. Gloves too, if you feel like it.

Don't give him the chance to go near the people you love until he proves himself.

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