Tiny bit of poop on my smallest gal

Nov 30, 2021
Hi! I have three chicks that are a few days old and happy and eating, drinking and sleeping well. The smallest of them is a Speckled Sussex and she seems to have bit of poop building up under her vent. It's not on the vent (I've been checking) so it's not blocking, but I wonder if I should be concerned? The others have clean bums. She has slightly softer poops than the others. They're on chick crumbles and I have given them a tiny amount of cooked egg yolk yesterday (pinky nail size for the tree of them) and they have a little bit of sand in there for grit if they need. I used a warm cloth to try and rub off some of the poop this morning but it's quite stuck on there! Any advice is great. thanks!
When its not blocking the vent you can leave it and keep a close eye on the area because it can eventually build up and block the vent if your heat is to high. Think about turning down the heat. You can try a little vaseline if you're worried. I've never had to do this because I keep my brooder on the cold side but I've read alot of people saying that it works. I bet they are really cute :love
When its not blocking the vent you can leave it and keep a close eye on the area because it can eventually build up and block the vent if your heat is to high. Think about turning down the heat. You can try a little vaseline if you're worried. I've never had to do this because I keep my brooder on the cold side but I've read alot of people saying that it works. I bet they are really cute :love
they are using a brooding plate with plenty of room to get in and out, so I don't think it is too hot? it's a fair distance from the bedding. She does spend the most time in there of all of them tho! I think because she's the smallest. Maybe she runs hot? I'll keep an eye on the poop. Thanks so much 🥰

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