Tiny duck egg


6 Years
Oct 19, 2013
Today I got a very tiny egg from one of my ducks. I believe it was my Khaki Campbell. Anyone have an idea why? Here is a picture of yesterday's normal egg compared to today's.
Thanks, I was wondering about the yolkless thing. This duck started laying a month ago and has been very consistant. We'll see if she is slowing down for the season. My chickens slowed down already. One has stopped and started to molt. I live in the NW of USA and our days are less than 12 hours now.
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I found one just like that today, instead of her usual large size. They have been molting. They are 2 year old Anconas and it has been a little hit and miss lately. Lots of changes happening lately: New duck house and run, plus I added four ducklings which has both ducks upset. (The drake doesn't seem to care one way or the other.)

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