TINY Mystery Egg!

I'm so glad Pippin was not lost in the attack. She is such a beauty. I know you will be relieved when you get the predator taken care of.

It is even more bizarre that Pippin may be a gyanandromorph. I didn't realize she was a sister to the "G" chicken. I hated it so bad when you lost her.

Could you explain why you think Pippin may be another "G"chicken? So interesting. I love this kind of stuff.

what is a Gyanandromorph??

I hope you catch the Preditor! I know I'd be freeked out if something attacked my baby's

A gynandromorph is a somatic chimera that is female on one side and male on the other. The one that died was predominantly female, laid eggs and crowed on occasion. Pippin has male hackle feathers like her sister so I think she is a chimera too. No luck in catching the predator. I have not seen any sign of it since the last attack but I am sure it will hit again when I am least expecting it. I hate keeping Pippin in. Especially in this heat. She would much rather be outside taking dirt baths under the maple tree than stuck in a hot chicken house. I just do not want to lose her.
Such a fascinating story, Redcatcher! I was on the edge of my seat waiting for lil Pippin to hatch! Glad to know she's still kickin'!
Thanks for keeping us posted and for the darling pics! I enjoyed this more than any reality t.v. show. lol.
Wow! Amazing! I wonder if Pippin ever lays little fart eggs like her Momma did? Since you found more than one around the time you hatched her it may be genetic & passed down to her?

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