Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

Obviously, Tiny has limited learning abilities. She's been almost strangled more times than I can remember, but she keeps on coming, the stupid psycho-hen. She's the only truly aggressive hen I've ever had and DH says he understands why, but it doesn't help to know the whys when he's being attacked repeatedly just because she wants attention. To anthropomorphize a bit, she is like an autistic child lashing out from frustration because no one understands what she wants.
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Wow, Tiny sure has been spoiled. Next, she'll want the keys to your car.
I feel bad for DH. (though he's obviously got a LOT of patience with her)
I told him yesterday that if he does snap her neck in one of these attacks, not to spend one second feeling bad about it, but I know he will. In a strange way, he is quite attached to her.

She's not always like that. Out on range, if she sees us in a distance, she runs toward us, talking all the way. She does want to be picked up and held...and held tight, too. If you don't hold her tight enough, she'll bite your arm. She's definitely a terrorist, attacking until she gets what she wants. Sometimes, I'll pick her up and she behaves herself, but that is rare.
Reminds me of a story the FIL told me last week. He had a rather aggressive rooster that liked to attack when you reached into his cage. Despite this bird's breeding, certain things are simply not tolerated in this neck of the mountains.

"Little xxxxx knocked the bark off my forehead," he lamented in his southern drawl. "Nearly took my eye out."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Mr. Rooster met Mr. Hand who was holding Mrs. Hatchet," he answered with a grin.

"Who, I bet, knew Sister Crockpot," I added, and we had a good laugh.
Reminds me of a story the FIL told me last week. He had a rather aggressive rooster that liked to attack when you reached into his cage. Despite this bird's breeding, certain things are simply not tolerated in this neck of the mountains.

"Little xxxxx knocked the bark off my forehead," he lamented in his southern drawl. "Nearly took my eye out."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Mr. Rooster met Mr. Hand who was holding Mrs. Hatchet," he answered with a grin.

"Who, I bet, knew Sister Crockpot," I added, and we had a good laugh.
Good one! We don't tolerate aggressive roosters here, either, trust me. Tiny, well, she's just been a special case. No one else could deal with her and DH has learned how to, for the most part. One day, we may be eulogizing the Terrorist on this thread, though.
X2 That little chicken is such a brat. I don't think I'd have put up with her nonsense. And I adore my chickens. Heck, I adore everyone's chickens!

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