tiny white worms


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
Idk what to do! I got an egg today and it had a few of these tiny white worms on it. the other chickens eggs didn't. I looked in nesting box and found brown blob of poop, looked inside and ugh there were dozens in that. What are they? I don't know what hen it was. I don't know what med to buy. I've read all posts and don't know what to use. Help plz!
Welcome to BYC. Could you post a picture of the poop tomorrow? It sounds like it could possibly be tapeworm segments. Below is a picture of tapeworm, and look at post 13 in this thread for treatment directions using Zimectrin Gold or Equimax (praziquantel): https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/919035/tapeworms-a-few-questions/10

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Can you take a stool sample to a local vet and have a fecal float test done? This test will tell you what kind of worms you are dealing with so you know how to properly treat the chicken. It sounds like tape worms to me. But I am not a vet. Wazine 17 (active ingrediant is piperazine..may be labeled Piperazine 17) is a good wormer, easy to use, and widely available, but only treats adult round worms (common in chickens).. This should be repeated in 10-14 days. I found this site pretty informative. http://poultrykeeper.com/general-chickens/worming-chickens

Here is another great link:

It is really good to treat your flock twice a year for worms....even if they show no signs or symptoms. Do not do it when the weather is excessively cold or hot. I'm sure others will chime in but this is a place to start. The second link has doseage instructions . Hopefully some others can chime in and help you out!
Glad to be here Eggcessive. It looks just like the pic you posted. I went and bought Ivermectin paste, I reaad so much I couldn't remember which to buy. Should I exchange it? And I guess these aren't adult worms? What do I get and how do I use it. I have 6 hens just over a year old.

These are the ones you can use. They contain ivermectin, but that is not the ingredient that helps; it's the praziquantel. The following is a quote from Dawg53's post referenced above on how to use it:

Here's what you do: Withhold feeding your chickens for 24 hours (all of them.) Withholding feed weakens the worms making the wormer more effective. Then give each chicken a "pea" size amount of the horse paste wormer orally. Dose each bird one at a time. They will wipe their beaks on the ground after dosing, this is normal. Wait several hours after worming before feeding them. When you go to feed them, ration only a little feed at a time to your chickens. They will be starving and gorge the feed if you dont ration it, possibly causing impacted crop or gizzard. Slowly add more feed to them over a period of one day.
Reworm them in 10 days, follow the above instructions again.
To make it a little easier to worm them with the paste, put the pea sized amount of wormer on a small piece of bread and give a piece of the treated bread to each chicken. Be careful though, they will try to steal each others treated bread, then you'll never know which ones got wormed or overdosed. It's best to separate them and give a piece of treated bread individually...you'll figure it out.
There's a 14 day withdrawal period after the last dosing. Good luck. Here's a pic of Zimectrin Gold horse paste wormer, what it would look like. Another one is
Ok, I just wormed with zimectrin gold, we'll see what happens . Btw, do tapeworm segments move? These worms were wiggling inside the dropping.
I have these 1/16" white worms on a day old chicks fur. Are these the same? How do I treat a baby chick?

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