Tips for overcoming Insomnia?

Some phones even have the blocker option built in. I found mine by chance when I accidentally got lost in my settings a few months ago. Now the difference is noticeable, especially at night if I use my old phone for anything
I sure hope you're able to get it figured out! Oh, and I just want to mention, no matter what anybody at all ever in the whole wide world says, don't start taking melatonin. Number one it's a hormone so it's really not good for you at all, and two you wouldn't want to get hooked on it. I hope you're able to find something to help you! ā¤
Vitamin D is a hormone too!

Melatonin is a natural hormone, rather than a synthetic hormone, like Dr David Brownstien talks about in his book, 'The Miracle of Natural Hormones'.

They have actually cured cancer by using 200mg+ doses of Melatonin.

So, while I admire your caution, Melatonin is very safe.
Vitamin D is a hormone too!

Melatonin is a natural hormone, rather than a synthetic hormone, like Dr David Brownstien talks about in his book, 'The Miracle of Natural Hormones'.

They have actually cured cancer by using 200mg+ doses of Melatonin.

So, while I admire your caution, Melatonin is very safe.
Maybe it's different for different uses, but my sister works under herbal and holistic doctors and they say that melatonin isn't something you would want to take for sleeping. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I could be wrong though.
Vitamin D is a hormone too!

Melatonin is a natural hormone, rather than a synthetic hormone, like Dr David Brownstien talks about in his book, 'The Miracle of Natural Hormones'.

They have actually cured cancer by using 200mg+ doses of Melatonin.

So, while I admire your caution, Melatonin is very safe.
Also been meaning to join your clean eating thread!
Maybe it's different for different uses, but my sister works under herbal and holistic doctors and they say that melatonin isn't something you would want to take for sleeping. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I could be wrong though.
Well, everyone is different, but Valarian root leaves me feeling hung over.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is make sure that your tryptophan level is good, so your body can regulate it's serotonin/melatonin cycle naturally.
Plenty of sunshine, plenty of darkness and supplement your Niacin.
I've heard that within 30 mins of waking up, you should go outside and let the sun hit your face and body. It sets your body's circadian rhythm. Take a walk then if you need to, feel the wind blow, the sun on your face, just enjoy nature for a few minutes. We are not meant to be on a device for hours on end. Or even inside for hours. Get outside and exercise
I pray every night, either thanking God or asking for something. I usually pray for happiness.
Try praying for other people. Get comfy (I love my adjustable bed!), be as still and relaxed as possible, and start praying for everybody you know, by name, one at a time. Start with your family. Be specific, don't just say "God bless my mom and Dad." Bless them in specific ways. Ask for improved health, or a better marriage, or weight loss, or victory over smoking, or a good grade on a test.. Whatever you think would make that person's life better. Pray for your teachers, your classmates - especially the ones you don't like. Your bus driver. The janitor. The kitchen workers. Pray for a good night's sleep! Thank God for everything you can think of that blesses you, starting with air to breathe, food to eat, clothes to wear. Flowers, trees, friends, family... this works for me. Perhaps it will work for you. It's worth a try, eh?

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