Tips on getting Game Wardens on the ball?

It's already legal to shoot them any time.

It's probably legal to set live traps too, but it would take a very large one for a coyote, and the odds of it going in one wuld be slim.

The best way to eliminate them would be bait, call and shoot.

unless it is pups it is really hard to get yotes into live traps steel traps and snares are much easier/faster

use live trap that hold a prey animal,like a chicken......
And if you decide to get into LGDs to protect your critters get two. There is a reason we run Coyotes with a pack of hounds, in a scrap Coyotes are fierce and excellent fighters. One on One I would put my money on the Coyote to be the one to walk away from a fight.
*sigh* I've gotten many offers on coming out and hunting the buggers, but no one has. The weather has been real crappy. Rain, cold, and the clay is really slick so I can't blame them. Our property is a lot of hills with flats in between, climbing them with wet clay is a real hazard.

The horses are all wired and snorty, so I'm going to say the coyotes are still at it. Not sure what time they're doing it, probably go at it when I finally conk out.

My self hunting, I'll do it from my porch, but out in the woods...I like living. I'm a crappy shot, have no experience hunting, and I'm more or less crippled. Broke my femur falling off a horse, they put a rod in....I went in with the broken femur, came out with femur, a dislocated knee and hip, destroyed nerves, panic attacks, nasty scars, and no phys therapy. I used to hike and run all the time, I don't anymore. My knee gives out and my leg is never where it should be.

I apparently have to have a permit to trap coyote on my own property. The heck?! No offers of traps to assist, warden had no idea of any gun clubs or people that might want to hunt coyotes. Totally unconcerned. Why is he a game warden? I realize he's just there to hand out permits and fine people, but he could be helpful.

I had one guy from Craiglist lecture me on how coyotes won't hurt people or horses, that I'm overreacting. Get a llama and be done with it. >.< A littler terrier can kill a horse if he runs it into a wall or fence, or the horse trips and snaps its leg. And I read llama's are more a bluff protector than an active.

This year has been an odd one for animals, the early warm weather brought out the amphibians, the surprise cold spell then killed them off. It was eery not being deafened by toads or tree frogs when walking outside. I've only dispatched one possum and two coons this year (I did see a huge pack of coons earlier this spring), which is low. All three were underweight compared to animals I've caught in the past, I wonder if the lack of amphibians had anything to do with it. I think the coyotes were actively hunting the coons. There was the most ungodly sounds coming from the woods behind the house. Sound of a threatened coon and yipping, chill inducing sounds. Don't know why horror movie producers don't use them. I did see at least eight deer the other day. Oddly enough, this is the first time I've seen a groundhog on our property in years. My late cowdog killed everyone she came across. So I'm not sure if prey is the reason they're doing this.

Do they still allow you to hunt with a pack of hounds? I thought most states passed laws against that? Or animal rights was trying to get them passed.
I know that hunting deer with dogs is illegal at least here is NY and PA, I am not sure about other animals. I know in the south they hunt wild boars with dogs.

It is wierd that a coyote would go after a horse if there are deer around. Deer are easier prey and the coyotes are less likely to get wounded hunting deer.
Another guard animal you might consider is a llama. They are really good at stomping a coyote if one comes near and won't back down.

I'm not sure how things are there, but here people hunt coyotes with a pack of greyhounds around here. They drive around in their trucks and when they see one they flip the lever, the dog boxes open up and the greyhounds are off. The greyhounds will run a coyote to the "can't go anymore" point making them easy prey for the dogs or a shot from the hunter. You only have to be careful about the greyhounds and fences. They get going so fast and they are so driven to get the coyote they will run into a fence if not careful. I even have seen some hunters have two boxes and when one pack gets tired they open up the second box. I don't know if that is a legal method there but, it might be worth a shot.

Another thing is you might want to see if anybody would be willing to use a predator call and bring them in. The call sounds like a injured rabbit. The sound travels well and when a coyote(s) comes near SHOOT. Just another idea that came to mind.
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I note on one of the comments referred to coyote attacks on humans as "not very likely." Wrong! Do a computer search on coyote attacks New Jersey or New York. There have been several over the past couple of years. The scarey part is that most of them are by coyotes attacking children regarded as food items. They outnumber the attacks by rabid animals. The quickest and most efficient means of control is to have a skilled caller come in and put a serious dent in the population. They are not dumb animals and will stay away from areas where pack mates have been killed.
I'll take that bet.I've hunted with hounds all my life and I have LGD'S, coyotes dont stand a chance against these dogs.Do a little studying on the anatolian shepard in turkey where they come from.
Coyote are far from dumb....they don't want to attack a LGD just to get a meal.......because the LSD just make your livestock(chicken) to much trouble ,so they look for easier prey.
It not a fact if they can kill a LGD, they don't want to take a risk of getting hurt...
Off topic but I just had to laugh at this.
Doesn't take a greyhound..... My Lab mix put a big dent in a welded wire fence the first night it was up - he never saw it in the dark. Ok I understand he wasn't used to it and didn't see it.....

Today he ran into the post that holds the gate (which was open) and it's been there as long as we've had him and it was broad daylight AND I HADN'T EVEN THROWN THE BALL YET

Some dogs are super smart, but a dog on prey (artificial toy or real prey) can get tunnel vision really bad and it's pretty durn funny when they bounce off the fence with that "what tha??" look like they don't know what happened. I guess it would be different if it hurt him, but he just got up and went back to running

And I'm with coltsdad, I'd bet a boar hunting dog against a coyote any day. Wild hogs are mean!!! Heck, I'd rather take on a coyote myself than a wild hog, and that's with a gun on my side!

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