tired older hen


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Hi. We have a 5 year old black JG hen who has never ailed anything ever, but now she is acting weird. I think she is probably reaching the end of her life span, as being a JG she is a big girl and always has had an enormous appetite on top of that.

the other day she slept deeply for a quite a while into the late morning. I thought she was dying but I put her in hospital pen and started her on Nutradrench in her water. She perked up immediately and acted normal all day yesterday, but today she was once again sound asleep into the late morning. She always perks up when I giver her Nutradrench, which I did today in a treat.

Her droppings are normal, bright eyed, good color, very good weight...maybe a little too good. I've been feeding her a little less food and keeping her on Nutradrench. I thought it might be heart failure but she has no fluid retention, no nothing except the weird lethargy which temporarily goes away with Nutradrench.

I assume she probably wouldn't have as long a life span as some other breeds, due to her size, but just checking to see if anyone has any insight that I'm not aware of??? Maybe she's just nearing the end of her days. :(

I'm going to see if I can get a fecal but won't be able to reach the vet til Monday. I don't think it's worms though, I just dewormed the flock recently.
I dont think it's heart failure neither. She would have a hard time breathing, not to mention possible ascites like you mentioned.
Have you checked her for mites?
I have a huge Light Brahma hen that acts similar, a chowhound, she sits most of the time but doesnt sleep late mornings like your JG.
Do you think her bones cant support her weight, similar to a Cornish X?
I haven't noticed mites but I'll check further tomorrow.i think she can walk ok cause she wanders around and scratches in her pen when she's feeling perky-er after the vitamins.
It's weird because, this is day 3, she hasn't had any more episodes of sleepiness since yesterday morning. Yesterday and today she had probiotics in her water. She's been acting fine since she's had the probiotics. So what the heck? I was considering deworming her again, using a different dewormer like Safeguard, but now i'm not sure.

Our vet merged with another clinic and since then it's like pulling teeth to get them to do anything for a chicken, including a fecal or giving me any dewormer,, unless he is in the office, and he won't be back in there til Monday.

I'm just not sure what to do now. :caf
It's sounds like she's gotten over whatever was ailing her, but you know how that goes. Looking great one day, then back looking sleepy or sluggish the next day.
It might be best to take her to see your vet Monday and get a fecal done. If anything, give you peace of mind.
Was the weather excessively hot? Older, overweight birds don't do well in hot weather. She might also be dealing with fatty liver syndrome. Or she could have been feeling a bit broody. I have two ll year old Jersey Giant hens who are doing well on a 'senior' diet of mixed vegetables and wild bird seed. Since they are no longer laying, they do not need commercial layer feed. They also enjoy cantaloupe in the summer. Keeping the weight down on older chickens really seems to help.
Was the weather excessively hot? Older, overweight birds don't do well in hot weather. She might also be dealing with fatty liver syndrome. Or she could have been feeling a bit broody. I have two ll year old Jersey Giant hens who are doing well on a 'senior' diet of mixed vegetables and wild bird seed. Since they are no longer laying, they do not need commercial layer feed. They also enjoy cantaloupe in the summer. Keeping the weight down on older chickens really seems to help.
No the weather has been beautiful here the past several days...actually very cool at night. Somebody else suggested fatty liver but I don't think so because her color is excellent...bright red comb and wattles. I'm hoping the vet will do a fecal for me..he's not a bird vet so he won't want to see her.
Corid and dewormer have restored her to her old perky self. Going out with the flock in a couple days if no more issues. Geesh. All that and fortunately it was that simple. Thanks everyone!

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