Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

Come on wittle ducks! All this duck hatching is making me want to try Muscovy.

if I could just find some Narragansett turkey eggs and Muscovy.... in 4 days!

In the way of garlic, going to wing it and try planting the elephant garlic. Or experiment with shallots too. Not sure, but need to get some more stuff planted!
I am with you on wanting to hatch narragansetts!
I woke up to 2 new babies. A Black Birchen Marans and a White Ameraucana. Lots of pips. Another wrong end pip. Progress on the wrong end one from yesterday. Things are moving along. View attachment 2047949
Yey! So amazing! Does a wrong end pip mean trouble or it’s just more difficult for the chick?
Okay...I have nothing to report on my eggs. They are LITERALLY JUST SITTING IN THE INCUBATOR DOING NOTHING until next week. :fl

I'm in the process of ordering a big old batch of eggs now so I can set the annual kindergarten hatch next tuesday. I've asked for a mix of black and blue marans, CCL, Cuckoo Bluebars, Isbars, Basque Hens, Deathlayers & Orps. We shall see! Just catching up with everyone now!

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