Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

I am almost certainly over-complicating things. That's sort of my M.O.
😂 I like less complicated things. I used to overthink everything but now I don't. My husband is a straight answer to the point. He doesn't want to hear the other stuff so I've adapted to that way 😂. Probably will annoy you but that's why I'm that way
I was just glad you said it and not me. LOL! I "overthink" everything which can make it really hard to explain things when someone wants a straight answer but I'm like...the variables! The variables! :lau
My brother once started with "I just want a simple answer, not all the why's and why not's." He asked his question, and my answer to him was simply "no." Then he wanted me to explain... :he
Think it would help if we knew what incubators everyone has. I have a farm innovator 4250 so styrofoam. Mine probably incubated differently than others I'd assume.

I don't want people dry hatching because they think they'll get better hatch rates or better hatches overall. You have to do what's best for your hatch.

**Want to ask everyone's opinion. What do you think about making a thread where we keep track of our hatch rates, incubators, and other info?

I can make spreadsheets of it and share on there. It may take me a few days, but I think it would be awesome.

We need a name for the thread as well...

Whoever wants in just say you want in or give your opinions or whatever
I’m down! It gets confusing with all of the different types and brands and styles. Having it all in one place would be super.
@ShannonsChimkens how's the emus? What else are you incubating

Emus seem ok so far. I did tap on them last night, 4 out of the 5 sound the same and 1 sounds different. Curious if this means anything. Rockporters got some wiggles beginning of this week, so if mine are alive they should be wiggling this weekend.

Deathlayers and Silkie bantam/Sebrights are on lock down as of this morning. Will probably put the 5 Spitzhaubens eggs that are still kind of alive in the incubator with the emus while the other chickens hatch.

Really really really want to hatch some ducks for the easter hatch a long! But bank account says no :/ your ducks are friggen adorable. I NEED
Emus seem ok so far. I did tap on them last night, 4 out of the 5 sound the same and 1 sounds different. Curious if this means anything. Rockporters got some wiggles beginning of this week, so if mine are alive they should be wiggling this weekend.

Deathlayers and Silkie bantam/Sebrights are on lock down as of this morning. Will probably put the 5 Spitzhaubens eggs that are still kind of alive in the incubator with the emus while the other chickens hatch.

Really really really want to hatch some ducks for the easter hatch a long! But bank account says no :/ your ducks are friggen adorable. I NEED
I wish everyone was closer to me because I could get everyone a really good deal on these ducks 😂 my payment for hatching them was three ducklings, he didn't even care so I'm sure he would be willing to sell them all but I'm sure I'd have to hatch more 🙈
I'm supposed to be cleaning out one of the spare bedroom closets so that we can put our paper goods in there and whatever else. We Don't have a pantry here, which when we buy a house that will be the one thing that I will get. I need a huge walk in pantry!!!

You guys would probably die if you saw how much canned goods and rice and everything else we have. It's ridiculous. But that's the life of a plant based weirdo 😂
I am sitting on my hands (figuratively). Batch 1, Day 21 starts this afternoon and there are no visible pips. Do any of you candle to check for internal pips or do you listen for muffled peeps?
I have a tiny crack but I’m not sure it’s a pip that happened 8pm last night. If there’s no progress when I get home today at 4 I may have to help I was told. I’ve read a lot of info about helping but this is my first hatch ever so I’m very nervous.
Does anyone have advice on this. Today is my day 21. I also can’t hear anything next to the incubator fans.
Dry hatchers: how dry have you run your incubators before? My Janoel is holding at 19% and in debating if I want to let it stay that dry.
That’s what my janoel held at. I was told that was ok I added a little water to be at about 25, but when I went to work it would always drop so. We’ll see what happens today is 21
I have a tiny crack but I’m not sure it’s a pip that happened 8pm last night. If there’s no progress when I get home today at 4 I may have to help I was told. I’ve read a lot of info about helping but this is my first hatch ever so I’m very nervous.
Does anyone have advice on this. Today is my day 21. I also can’t hear anything next to the incubator fans.

That’s what my janoel held at. I was told that was ok I added a little water to be at about 25, but when I went to work it would always drop so. We’ll see what happens today is 21

If today is day 21 and they're just starting to externally pip I would wait before you start worrying. They can take up to 24 hours to hatch after external pip.

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