Tis Time for a March 2020 Hatch-a-long!

I agree I think most of the times I've had issues it was because the humidity spikes up there versus getting too low. Causing all sorts of issues.
My humidity got so high that I got condensation in the incubator. That's when someone told me to not add water at all the next hatch and see what happens. I think it's because I live in a humid area.
I got the farm innovator 4250 because it was randomly half off on Amazon one day when I was looking for an incubator. I couldn't pass up the deal.

I'm going to make an incubator out of a mini fridge. I just need to get to do it.

Fun! I hope you'll document your build and share it on BYC once you get to it! I love seeing the home builds on incubators.
I have a jersey giant cockerel and a silver sebright rooster. I have several purebred hens and pullets. I've had some interesting mixes. I kept two from my Halloween hatch because they're amazing.

I'm not sure if this is Spook or Wednesday, but they're practically identical just different black markings in different spots. Hard to tell them apart. She's part jersey giant.

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That is a cool-looking chicken. Does she have a pea comb?

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