Titled head?

Yes, the partridge probably has the walking backward version of wry neck. I've had this version in my flock with a rooster. Vitamin E fixed him in just a day.

You just go to the vitamin aisle at the store and look for vitamin E 400iu. Bring it home and use one or two capsules broken open and drizzled and mixed well in the egg. Be sure to mince it finely or the babies won't try to eat it if the pieces are too big.
Yes, the partridge probably has the walking backward version of wry neck. I've had this version in my flock with a rooster. Vitamin E fixed him in just a day.

You just go to the vitamin aisle at the store and look for vitamin E 400iu. Bring it home and use one or two capsules broken open and drizzled and mixed well in the egg. Be sure to mince it finely or the babies won't try to eat it if the pieces are too big.
Okay thank you so so much!! Do you know what could’ve caused this? If they have a vitamin deficiency would it be from the parents?
There are many causes, genetics, incubator variables, and vitamin deficiency. I've had this with adult chickens that happens suddenly without warning, and after a day or two or three of vitamin E, it disappears just as quickly.
So they were hatched with an incubator, however there are only these two that show any signs of it. I’m going to treat the whole group with the vitamin remedy, but if it was the incubator what part of the incubation would have went wrong?
Treat all of them. It's a vitamin and it won't hurt them as long as you use the dosage recommended by azygous.
I use Rooster Booster you mix it in the water. It's a vitamin and probiotic for chickens. Silkies are very prone to wry neck.
https://www.chewy.com/rooster-boost...t=Health & Wellness-Farm Vitamins Supplements
Treat all of them. It's a vitamin and it won't hurt them as long as you use the dosage recommended by azygous.
I use Rooster Booster you mix it in the water. It's a vitamin and probiotic for chickens. Silkies are very prone to wry neck.
https://www.chewy.com/rooster-booster-vitamins-electrolytes/dp/260022?utm_id=401602556&msclkid=b301f51b537f16bc0ec294409762eec1&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_NC_Farm_S_Farm_Habitat & Accessories&utm_term=4585444530739625&utm_content=Health & Wellness-Farm Vitamins Supplements
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Thank you! I’ve treated them with one round of it so far and they seem to be doing pretty good, I will continue more of the treatments and keep y’all updated!
The lil goblin one passed away. His head had straightened out pretty well, so I’m not quite sure why he would’ve passed away, but he ended up passing away today. The partridge one refuses to eat the egg mix, but she has started to fall over every 30 seconds I have to keep flipping her over. She did good for about 5 minutes but fell over again. She’s also getting really bad pasty butt and I’ve been cleaning her off a lot. Does anybody know what to do? I’ve not had this sort of problem with all of the chicks I’ve raised. I’be already had 2/7 of them pass from their issues, but there is now another one of the paints who seems to have a joint problem now. The first paint passed away from his leg problems, but this dude has been fine till now. I have noticed that this one has always stretched a lot more so I’m wondering if maybe he’s just been stretching it out this whole time but I didn’t notice. He’s always walked fine till today. I’ll post a pic of his joint.
Again if anybody knows what to do I would greatly appreciate it I’m starting to feel at a loss because everytime I think I finally got them all good another problem arises.


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The egg has to be very, very fine or chicks will have trouble eating it. Just wanted to make sure you've minced it finely. The egg has selenium in it, and this helps the E to be absorbed. If you can't get them to eat egg,then you need to add a sliver of selenium to the E oil.

One of the biggest dangers from wry neck syndrome is starvation. The contortions make it very hard for a baby chick or even an old chicken like my thirteen-year old Brahma hen who recently had it, to get enough to eat. I needed to tube feed my hen for two days since she couldn't keep her head in an upright position. You may need to syringe soupy food into the chicks that have it.

Poultry Nutri-drench is a god-send for such chickens during this period when they are having trouble eating.
The egg has to be very, very fine or chicks will have trouble eating it. Just wanted to make sure you've minced it finely. The egg has selenium in it, and this helps the E to be absorbed. If you can't get them to eat egg,then you need to add a sliver of selenium to the E oil.

One of the biggest dangers from wry neck syndrome is starvation. The contortions make it very hard for a baby chick or even an old chicken like my thirteen-year old Brahma hen who recently had it, to get enough to eat. I needed to tube feed my hen for two days since she couldn't keep her head in an upright position. You may need to syringe soupy food into the chicks that have it.

Poultry Nutri-drench is a god-send for such chickens during this period when they are having trouble eating.
She is eating really well on her own. I’ve even been moving her over closer to the feeder so she can eat every couple hours, but she is usually eating whenever I walk into their area. I was worried about her getting water since she’s so much smaller than the other partridges, but one of them likes to lead her everywhere and helps her find the “higher” ground to get to the water easier. I also used a kitchen mincer to get it finely minced like the baby chick feed, but the only one eating any of it isn't the one with the problems. They also have the nutri drench stuff in their water, but she just seems to be getting worse.

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