Titled head?

You may need to syringe food into her. Also, undiluted Nutri-drench, a few drops added to her food, would be better than diluted in water. Putting a little sugar in her water can boost her glucose levels and may increase her willingness to eat.
You may need to syringe food into her. Also, undiluted Nutri-drench, a few drops added to her food, would be better than diluted in water. Putting a little sugar in her water can boost her glucose levels and may increase her willingness to eat.
Update: they are both still alive, the one with the leg lays down a lot, but they are getting to the food and water fairly well. Does anybody know if I should wrap it a certain way to help him out?
Also the little partridge one who I call tipsy is eating perfectly well, she is getting enough food, she just is way tinier than the others and tends to fall over. She is also getting terrible pasty butt and ive been soaking her booty in warm water. She also gets dried off before she’s put back in the pen so she’s not cold or anything.
When I woke up this morning and checked on the babies Tipsy was fallen over. I flipped her back over and came out a bit later several times and she had fallen over again and again . However I had to leave for a while and had my mom check on her and she wasn’t fallen over once with her. I have a couple theories. I ended up leaving the eggs overnight and they ate them by morning so im thinking maybe she just ate some of the eggs and built up strength, I made them some more and left them in there in hopes she will eat more and get better, but the problem with that theory is that right when I got home and checked on her she fell over. Im starting to think that maybe she is better now, but still doing it when she sees me because she knows I will give her loves and attention. She loves to run right up to my hand whenever I go in their and jumps right in it so I think that could be a possibility.
it just doesn’t make sense that she does it several times a minute when I’m there but didn’t for the several hours I was gone.

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