TN traders!

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I'm about 30 min from the Middle TN/AL border. I have a free white hen ( I think shes a rock) and 15 Coturnix quail (pharoah and jumbo) for free or would like Ducks for trade??
Sporttees --

I might be interested in the quail. I'll have hatching eggs in the spring, if you might want eggs. Where are you -- how far east or west?
I sent you an email!
In Knoxville and looking for araucana, Ameraucana, or Easter Egg pullet or hen--as long as she will lay colored eggs.

Also looking for buff Polish hen.

I can meet you within an hour's drive.
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Sporttees_ Are you east or west of manchester? I'm in Lynchburg. Go to manchester every once in a while. Crystal
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Anybody interested in splitting a chick order with me from Randall Burkey's. I'm wanting to get 10 Silver Spangled Hamburg pullets from them but their minimun order is 25 chicks and I don't have the extra room for that many, anyways.

I'm located in White County. PM or e-mail me if interested.


Why did you choose Randall Burkey? I'm just curious. Judging from the breeds they're selling, I bet they're drop-shipping from Ideal.
Mainly because they are in Texas and secondly because I could get pullets instead of dealing with straight run.

Rethinking it through though as another member PM'ed me and let me know that the minimum order at Cackle is 15.

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