To all irresponsible dog owners; UPDATE; THE LEGACY CONTINUES!!!!!

Once a dog kills, it hard for them to stop and they'll just keep coming back and if the owner is not going to be responsible...then you have the right to shoot it! This is one of my biggest pet peeves, it just irks me the wrong way! Why do people get pets and then not care for's so upsetting! My father is law is a sheep farmer and he has had to shoot many dogs who will come in and kill the baby lambs. He watched a little boston terrier take down and kill a lamb.
Marion565 thank you for that information re the cold eggs...we are heating the bator up now and will put the eggs in tonight once it's stabilized. I'm hoping...Chloe was the only chick in her clutch of eggs to make it through to hatch in the intense heat of last August; all the others died bf they hatched. She and her Mother bonded for months in such a way that it was fascinating to watch...that's part of the reason why she was so special. I'm hoping she's passed on some of that hardiness to her unhatched babies.

Everyone, I doubt that I would have enough of whatever it takes to shoot a dog, and even if I did, we would have to be very careful as there are other houses around. The dog warden called again today; I had left him a message re the dead hen; and he left a message in return that traps were now available for us. He is being very sympathetic and trying to help as much as possible, so the route I go will probably be with the traps. Thing is, I haven't seen the dogs recently. It was Friday that I talked to the one owner last (the kid); that was the day that Chloe died; and I'm just wondering if their dog came home with feathers in it's mouth and so they are being careful.
I agree with you. I don't think that I could shoot someone's dog. I let animal control take care of it. It took me about 1 week to trap the dog in pic # 1 of my previous post. The bait that caught him were boiled hot dogs. And when I caught him, I said, "Hot diggity dog".
I felt that 2 warnings were more than enough for the dog owner. Not sure how many more warnings, I should have given them. Dog #1 was terrorizing the neighborhood, as well as other animals, including horses. I won't say who told me, but I was told that I could shoot it but I didn't want to do that. So, I just sit and wait for the next loose dog to come onto my property and try to kill all of my animals.
Of course it's always the owner's fault because you can't take a dog to court and make him legally responsible. The dog will always pay for the owner's neglect to keep him contained because that's just the way it is. Good dogs may escape despite an owner's efforts to contain him, but darn it, 99% of the time, the dog is allowed to roam or the owner hasn't fixed the place the dog is getting out which is the same thing, effectively, so to me, it matters not one iota to me why the dog is on my property. He's there and must be dealt with, especially in the absence of a decent animal control. Many rural areas do not have an animal control at all, so the property owner has to take care of the situation himself. I live in a rural area where dogs roam freely because the owners (and I use the term "owner" loosely--a dog isn't owned just because you say he is or because you may stick a collar sans tag on his neck)think that there is no leash law because it's the country. I am legally within my rights here to shoot a dog harassing or killing my chickens, and sadly, someone around here may find that out the hard way one day. I don't want to hurt/kill a dog, but I will if I have to defend my birds.

Two different neighbors of mine put up chain link fences for their respective dogs, spent all that $$$ so the dogs would not come over here and kill my chickens, putting them in danger of being shot, but neither neighbor keeps the dog in the fence all the time. I don't get that at all, I really don't. A dog does not "need" to roam to be happy. In fact, a loose dog is in danger from guns, cars, livestock, rabid wildlife, ticks, etc, etc. If you care about the dog, keep him on your property one way or another. It's really not brain surgery, for goodness sake. It really can be done. We have a picket fence for my dog that's within a 2 acre perimeter livestock fence with driveway gate that stays closed except when we're expecting a delivery. A dog has to either climb over or dig under to get to my birds, so he's not just "passing through" if he is in contact with my chickens. He made an effort to be there.

To the OP, I'm so sorry about Chloe.
When I first moved to rural Missouri I had a problem with the neighbors dog that ran loose, thought it was going to bark and growl at me. I tried to talk to my neighbor, told me the dog was indeed a problem but did nothing to restrain him. No long afterwards, this neighbors dog chased me in my car down the driveway, so I leaned out the window and zapped that dog full in the face with pepper spray. Never did chase me or come onto my property again. Unfortunately they still did nothing to keep their dog off the road and one night it was hit and killed by another neighbors truck. I plan on keeping bear strength pepper spray within arms reach when I let my chickens out to play.
sorry for loss. yes i do own 4 dogs they are are tried up on a rope while i am standing there watch them. i hope to put up a fence pen in the next couple weeks. if my dogs got out of the pen i would except 1 warming the next one would like u bring back my dead dog back to me. i would understand but i would be an unhappy owner.
Sighhh..dogs were back again today, this time in the evening. All the chooks in the yard hit the deck.
Dogs didn't come close to the house but my DH tore out the door with gun in hand when he saw them.
And they took off; they were gone in half a second when they saw and heard us and our dog. He would not have shot them anyway unless they were menacing the flock, or us, of course, but he did shoot into the ground which hastened their departure. I went to the house where I thought the lab lived, but...wrong. Their dog was in their yard and it was obviously not the same dog that had been on our property. Did talk to the adults this time and they said they do let their dogs run loose sometimes but thanked me for the heads up. Those dogs could be wild or live anywhere...I just don't know....and even if we set the traps I am beginning to worry we might just trap one and that will make the other one hang around more looking for it's companion...jeesh, what a hassle.
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Nieghbor lady had a Boxer that was coming on our property after us and chasing passerbys. The dog warden gave her a ticket (also Central Ohio Pickaway County) but judge threw it out for no proof and the ticket was written wrong. That's when I took to the digital camera. Next time, I got pictures of the dog on our land attacking the Dog Warden. That did it, she was fined, dog siezed and destroyed. Now for years her father on the property below us has been letting his Beagles run uncontroled on our land chasing deer or watever. Can't shoot them for that, but I get chickens in April with our new custom chicken house. The nieghbor has been warned numerous times and official complaints filed with the Warden. I will NOT loose a chick to his dogs.
Also, a chicken can have more value than you think. You have to show the cost of raising new pullets, and the cost of the eggs per dozen over the lifetime of the chicken. Then the cost adds up.

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