TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

What a cool little emoticon, chickenfeathers!
That's one of my fondest memories as a child, riding with the tailgate down in the old stationwagon.I spent alot of time down at the leeve & river as a child.I remember there were hippies that hung out at the park.We would go digging thru the trash cans looking for glass coke bottles & get rich turning them in for some quick cash.
Oh the good ole days
I think playing in the dirt is healthy. Alot of people today don't play outside, they're inside. Everything is anti bacterial to the point where we don't have the "good bugs" in our systems to be healthy enough to battle the bad bugs.

I have fond memories of mudpies, climbing trees, running thru the woods, looking under rocks for creepy crawlies, sticking my hands in the brook looking for fishy things, and weird wormlike creatures.

Everything nowadays (
) is too germaphobic.
I am only 27 but that was what it was like for us. Sun up to Sun down, rain or shine we were outside playing. I remember Monkey bars 15 feet off the ground with a solid sheet of concrete underneath to cushion our falls. I remember sheet metal slides that burned the hide off the backs of our legs in the 100 degree southern sun, but what did we do after screaming the whole way down? WE WENT AGAIN! There were no bumper pads and rounded corners and 4 feet deep smooth pea gravel beds to land on! And swings, do you remember swing sets where you could get 20' off the ground and then FLY thru the air to the ground! Man those were the days! I fear we will never see days like that again and that hurts my heart.
We're on the same page!! I'm 29 and my parents (THANK GOD) never bought the Nintendos, or the Ataris, or the cable TV. We had horses, dogs, chickens, goats, pigs, etc. and 1200 acres to run. I'd be on my pony from sun up to sun down. My mom told us to stay out of the house unless we had a broken arm or had to use the bathroom. We caught snakes, built forts, dug in the dirt, and went to bed at 8 o'clock because we were pooped by days end.
Kid's don't "need" a lot... a good set of parents, food, clothing, education. They don't need oogles of toys or electronics.
I could go on for DAYS but I'll stop here.
I love it! This is why we get along so well. I grew up like that and I'm going to turn 51 in a few days. My kids grew up like that, too. I remember riding my bike everywhere, racing all over the neighborhood. Sure, we fell and skinned up our knees and elbows, but nobody that I recall ever had any brain damage from not wearing a helmet. We played dodgeball, touch football, hide & seek, you name it. And all ages played together sometimes and got along pretty well. But our bodies were moving and we were breathing air and our hearts were pumping and we had tons of fun without drugs or alcohol or video games. Sounds like a Disney movie, but heck, it's the absolute truth.
I could go on for DAYS but I'll stop here.

Yeah, me, too, Carrie. I think because of my chickens, I'm back outside, walking and running and having fun again.​

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