TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

Man we used those to shoot each other in BB gun wars. I have the scars to prove it. Yep things have changed a lot. I'm fifty-six and have seen a lot of changes, Some for the better. But it was a different time and I look back on it fondly.
Oh yea ! Stepped on nails running around barefooted and just limped around for a few days not daring to tell the folks so as not to have to go the DR.

oh i forgot my little brother and I did that paintball but with BB guns...ya know the saying "you'll shoot your eye out!" I almost did get hit in the eye once...i peeked around teh side of an old boat hull to see if I could spot my bother and he took a shot at me and the BB skimmed right along the side of my eye and along my temple ...that was the end of BB gun wars

I'll bet it was a BBgun war veteran that invented paintball guns. LOL
Oh yea ! Stepped on nails running around barefooted and just limped around for a few days not daring to tell the folks so as not to have to go the DR.

I am a nurse so if can fix it at home I do...
My kids do this now and try to hide it......also my kids do alot of what I did but I know what they are going to do BEFORE they do it.
Then I get how did you know, I just tell them MOMS KNOW ALL! I just don't tell them I did it too.

And the BBgun thing my kids got them at 8yrs (this yr) and Grandpa bought them go-karts that do 35mph
they are 8 and 9 yrs (but they do have to wear a helmet) As long as there is no driving and shooting I'm ok with that.

Sorry for the edits its early 4 me
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Fifty Six so you just missed the ice age???

My sister told once, she went to doctor they put medicated q-tips in the hole (from the way she screamed you would think they were putting thier hand in the hole), and got a tetinus shot. Lesson learned, dont tell, and live with a little pain
I'm on the "leading edge of boom" having been born in 1946. That makes me 61 now.

I remember when someone in the neighborhood got the measles, we were hustled over to get exposed before school started. Same thing with ALL the other childhood diseases.

We played in the dirt for days on end. Never bothered to wash our hands at any time during the day, either.

As for toys... give me a big old cardboard box and a pile of freshly mowed grass, and I was happy as a clam at high tide.

We had bikes. We had a gang. We ruled the neighborhood and never, ever had a "bad guy" bother any of us.

Heck, one night after a snow storm, someone hit a neighbor's cat and left it on the snowy road. We tracked they guy to the neighborhood store and made him go back and pick up the cat.

I'm one of those folks who firmly believe we try to keep things too clean. When you can only kill 99.9% of the problem, the other .01% grows stronger, until it gets out of control, and that's not good.
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I agree Shari. That whole wash your hands; don't dig in the dirt; don't kiss the dog on the lips deal...oy...
My DH is one of the last baby boomers too. He turned 60 this year.
I'm only 43, but dang!!! I had an overprotective grandmother so that we never got to go to friends houses, let alone have friends over. Trick or treating. NOPE! We were driven to 3 houses that were family friends.
Silkiechicken, I don't remember the 80's from a whole different reason than you!LOL
SpottedCow, your DH isn't one of the last, I'm a boomer and am 51. The boomers end at birthdays in 1960, I believe. My sister was born in 1962, she isn't a boomer. My littlest brother was born in 1970 (!!), he's the X-Generation, I think. So there's quite a span in my sibling tree (I'm the oldest).

As for remembering, it's the 70's I can't remember.....

Edited to add: Oh, yea, Shari, about the measles thing, my mother did the same thing with us and chicken pox. That way we got all of our 'diseases' over before school. I still think getting the disease and developing immunities is better than getting vaccines for the normal things like chicken pox, measles, etc. I know people who've been immunized and then in their later 20's or 30's they get the disease and end up sicker than dogs, in hospitals, near death, etc. Better living thru pharmaceuticals? I don't think so.....
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I know my sister is a boomer, she was born 1945. I believe that a boomer is someone born right after WWII, please correct me if I am wrong, but I have been told I was a boomer -1955. So I don't know if that is right or wrong.

Names of Generations
From Matt Rosenberg,
Your Guide to Geography.
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This is a listing of recent generations for individuals born in the United States. Dates are approximate, as recognized by demographers.

2000/2001-Present - New Silent Generation or Generation Z
1980-2000 - Millennials or Generation Y
1965-1979 - Generation X
1946-1964 - Baby Boom
1925-1945 - Silent Generation
1900-1924 - G.I. Generation

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