To Fridge or not to fridge ? That is my question !

We put them in the fridge within a day or so.

But, When I was in the Navy, many years ago, we kept our eggs at room temp in the torpedo room bilge. The submarine I was on did not have room to refrigerate them. They lasted at least 4 weeks. Then we had to break them in a bowl, rather than in the mixer bowl in case they had gone bad., Some lasted as long as 6 weeks.
I've put mine in a basket till the basket was full, sometimes taking almost two weeks then put them in a carton and I've never had a bad egg....
Mine go into the fridge usually at some point on the day they are laid mostly because there is a spot for them in there. I don't wash and they sometimes sit out for a few days.
A vegetable steamer or some rice cookers work. Otherwise I just take a metal strainer that has a slightly wider rim than my spaghetti pot, set the strainer in it, fill with water until it's just below the bottom of the strainer, add eggs, put on lid, and boil the water for 10-20mins. You can't over steam so exact time is unimportant unless you are impatient.
i usually am not picky about leaving them out on the counter for a couple of days. We usually get at least a dozen a day and I sell some to people in the area so I usually wait until the day before delivery to clean and refrigerate them...otherwise my fridge gets too full (we don't have an extra one). My regular buyers right now have all had chickens before so they are not picky about how they are delivered. I only rinse the ones with poop visible on them. And we no longer keep a roo so we don't have to worry about fertilized eggs. Our eggs are so yummy. I will never be able to eat a store bought egg again I think.
I lived in Europe for a couple of years and was startled the first time I went to the grocery store because eggs are kept in cartons next to the produce, not in the refrigerator isle they way they are in the US. It freaked me out at first but I never bought eggs that were bad. At home we refrigerate eggs but it's mostly just habbit, I think.

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