To get a cat, or not to get a cat... PICS ADDED, p. 6!

First we adopted a feral Mama cat and her kittens. Then an abandoned or runaway house cat showed up on our door, and we started letting him in. Then the kids tamed our ferals and now they want in at night or when it's raining. Then the neighborhood cats started hanging out at our place. We now have 4 cats who are "ours", and about 3-4 regular visitors. It has given us lots of joy and laughs, especially watching the chickens showing the cats who's on the top of the pecking order (and it ain't the cats!). The cats are working hard to reduce our gopher population (don't know if they're catching anything, but they try!).

I just love having cats around. I just need to convince our German Shepherds to feel the same.
You all are such good enablers!
Thank you! I'm going to show hubby all your responses tonight and see what he thinks!
My hubby was completely against us getting a cat, about 24 years ago. But, he loves me so we got a kitty. Within a couple of months he loved her! She made it her mission in life to show him her affection. She would curl up on his chest when he was watching TV, she would get in his way when he was doing something with his hands and that's what my hubby likes... animals that interact with us.

Unfortunately, we had our kitty for seven years and then my son was born and developed life threatening allergies to her. So, we found her a new home and were able to keep in touch with her new owners for the rest of her life. It was hard letting her go but it helped getting to see her and have updates every year or so.

We now have barn cats but they aren't allowed in the house because of the asthma/allergies that my family has. We adore our kitties and they love getting our attention every day.

Edited because I wanted to add that we found one thing that kept our cat (and ferrets) off the counter. A SCAT Matt. It's a matt that has electricity running through it. If it's stepped on it gives off a slight jolt. Our cat quickly learned where the off limit areas were and we didn't have to continually keep the matt in place. We moved the matt around according to where we didn't want her and left it for a few days in that spot.
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Since you will make sure the animal gets neutered if it is not already (right?), there is not really all that much difference. IME there is some tendency for male cats to be more likely to be friend-to-all types whereas females are more likely to be Your Special One Lifelong Soulmate... but there is so much variation and it really depends on the individual cat. Male cats are slightly more prone to urinary tract problems, but not enough to make a difference in the decision of which sex to get. Neutered and kept happy, there is no difference in odor or destructiveness or anything like that between males and females.

FWIW, my husband comes from a family of rabid cat-haters and was raised to believe that cats are evil and cat owners are idiots. Then he met me
He now is quite fond of our cats (actually he has become the one who mainly feeds them and does the litterbox, for various reasons) and has his own special Fredcat (whom he picked out himself) who is as dear to him as any dog ever was. Even his elderly mother has decided that maybe cats aren't THAT bad, and she's even started saying nice things about her next door neighbor's cat and wondering if she might get one herself someday

Pat, with a small black and white Gracie Marie cat sitting on the computer monitor watching me type this
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It's a little tougher to train cats than it is dogs, but it can be done. When I met DH, he allowed his 2 cats on the kitchen counter. I said, No Way. I used various methods: squirt guns, loud noise, physically removing them. Squirt guns work great.
There are lots of tricks for keeping cats out of places, try the web or books. It took some time, but the cats do not jump on the counters anymore. They aren't allowed in our bedrooms, either, but every once in a while I find one in there; a good banshee scream will remind them for a couple months.
(I'm the enforcer.)

Gender doesn't matter too much, when everyone is fixed. We have 1 female and 2 males; they all snuggle together, and not many spats break out. Personalilty is the main thing.
Yes, Get a Cat, you won't be sorry.
If it is going to be an indoor only cat, I would say get a female, a male seems to urinate with more quantity than a female does and it fills the litter box very fast I was changing litter boxes two and three times a day when I had a male.
As for temperment feel them out at the shelter do they come up to you and want to be petted, are they friendly or cowering in the back, unless you are an expert I would suggest staying away from the fearful ones.
My most resent adopted shelter cat was a little stinker when I brought her out of her cage at the shelter she nipped my hands but I adopted her anyway and she turned out to be one special cat almost dog like follows me everywhere everyone calls her my tail because every where I go she follows instantly.
Cats can be trained with patients and treats.
Good Luck and post photos!
I haven't read through all the responses but I noticed you were asking about the nocturnal thing. Cats are supposed to be nocturnal, but I have re-trained mine.
I have 4 and they are VERY energetic. Soooooooo.....every night before I go to bed I put them to bed in the laundry room. They have all their food, water, litter box in there anyway and a nice cozy bench with blankies for a bed. They are so used to the idea they actually "ask" to go to bed if it is later than normal. Honestly, I can't even imagine life without a cat. To me they are one of lifes greatest joys. They do have their issues.....every living creature does, but they are just wonderful.
Good luck if you decide to share your home with one.

Oh, and if you are looking for a REALLY mellow cat, try to find a ragdoll or a ragdoll mix. I used to have a stunning show quality ragdoll that I got at the pound in clue how he ended up there. He was amazing!!!!
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We have eight indoor cats ( I do let them go outside off & on during the day; they're all in by dusk & do not go outside after that), and a whole bevy of inside birds. The cats leave the birds alone, the birds have been known to land on and preen the cats (the cats have not always been thrilled by this event, but have tolerated it), and with an occasional "dust-up" because someone is in the favored sleeping spot and someone ELSE wants it,
all is well. The chickens outside let the cats know their place, and that didn't take long to establish at all, especially when the big-butted buff orpington girls went after the cats...
All our cats with one exception have been strays we adopted or rescue situation kitties. They're all precious to us and a wonderful source of love & entertainment. One kitty is great, two is even better! That way when your kitty & dog don't want to be together, the kitty will still have a buddy to play with.

ETA: I'm sure this probably doesn't need to be said, but just in case, I'm going to say it anyway. A pet is a lifelong commitment, and they deserve the best we can provide. That doesn't mean gold plated dishes & cashmere beds, that means adequate nourishing food, clean water, sanitary conditions, preventive & routine veterinary care, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Sometimes circumstances change and a pet MUST be rehomed, but that solution should be a last resort. I've seen many pets be judged unfairly for their "behavior problems" when the stresses and traumatic events the animal has been through would have brought a nervous breakdown in a human. Be patient, dependable, and gentle with your pets, and you will be rewarded with a lifetime (some longer than others, some far too short) of love and devotion unparalleled.
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I'm not really a cat person. That said, cats love me because they know I'm unfailingly kind to animals and seem to know what they want before they do. Anyway, we've had cats dumped on us since we moved here to the farm and you know what? We have NO mice in this house or anywhere outside that you. When we moved here the place was overrun with mice. Not now. Yeah, I like my cats.

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