To plug or not to plug?


10 Years
Sep 29, 2009
South Africa
We have tanks in our yard for water collection.
Now the tanks won't be in the run, but outside of the run.
When they over flow then the openings at the top let out water. And the plugs are at the back and front of it.
My qeustion:

Will it be nessary to put plugs at the back so the run doesn't get sopping wet?
Why don't you install a shut off valve on the tank and start to let some of the water get out using a garden hose, that way you will get everything under control.
You could plug the hole or you could plumb in some pvc pipe to allow the water to drain even further away from your coop/run. Matter of fact, you could plumb some pvc pipe/fittings to both drain holes and attach those pipes to a "Y" and drain all the overflow away from the coop/run.

I'm not sure how your catchment system is designed, though, I'm thinking barrels.

Best wishes,

Edited to remove the plurality of "plug"....gotta have an overflow somewhere!
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Cannot quite get a clear picture of your setup. That said, I would pipe the overflow away from the run however necessary. A glued on fitting and a garden hose might do it very well. Never do anything to make a run any wetter than is natural.

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