To remove chicks or not


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
Northern Florida
I hope this post is in the right place. I have chicks that hatched today from 2 of my broody hens. One did not make it, the other seemed to be doing fine when I was out there, and there is a third hatching now. When I removed the dead chick, my Australorp hen went crazy! She could hear the other chick chirping that my Wyandotte hatched. She was literally pushing her out of her box. I do plan on moving them out of there altogether, but should I just remove the chicks and put them in a brooder? I noticed that the Wyandotte was pecking at the chick a little, but thought that maybe it was because we were there and she was being protective. I want to let her be a mama and do her job, but I don't want the baby to be harmed. Any thoughts and help is appreciative as this is a first for us. We usually just buy our chicks from a hatchery or local.
If you think there's a chance the hen might harm the chick because she's stressed out, by all means follow your instincts. Those instincts actually serve you well if you listen to them.
I did remove the baby and put her and another broody hen in their own space. This other hen is much more maternal, lol! She and the mama are doing good and there is another egg about to hatch today. I felt bad at first for the other hen, because she was searching for her. However, she seemed to get over it quickly. Thanks for the response!

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