To the person who dumped 40 pekins on the side of the road..

Chrissy, Irma and Boyd are doing just great. Their chests are finally pretty white now that the grunge is mostly off. The Ducksters, ie my ten-week old Runners and crested Pekins, immediately accepted them into their group. My older three Pekins are a clique unto their own so I have two separate groups of white ducks hanging out in clusters in the yard. Except when the older drake tries to do drake things on the young girls, usually the hapless runners. Boyd has tried to defend their honor. I think he realizes that he has his own harem at his disposal, but is still too young to fully appreciate what that means.


Thanks again for rescuing all the duckies and I'm glad they've found happy homes. Hopefully the other roo will surface and can also find a good home.
Oh hahaha! I love their names.... I agree... they're special ducks and should have special names. I know I just said this in the other thread, but we now have Dogwood, Daisy, Lily, Dahlia, Magnolia and Petunia.
All white flowers.

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I posted this in a new thread.. But here's a picture of one of the ducks, Princess Puddles, stylin' in a pair of Nettie's super-awesome duck shoes. She's getting to be a store duck now and loves it! These ducks are super nice..


MysticalMom and Parrotchick - LOVE the photos! They look so happy.
I'm so glad they got to go to such great homes!
Oh my gosh I can't get over the no slip duck shoes. Too doggone cute! I don't have any indoor ducks but I think I'm going to have to order a pair from nettie just to have some.

And you're right ... the ducks are super friendly and curious and just plain good ducks. Who knew I'd like Pekins so much?
Amazing after all they've been through. These ducks were very lucky someone like you took 'em and found them new homes with all of us BYCers.
Just a little update. Puddle Foot Farms... the pekins are doing GREAT. They have become the alarm system for the other ducks. LOL When I walk out the door with the treats, they always spot me first (I swear the others have posted them as lookouts) and QUACK QUACK QUACK with their loud mouths to let all the other ducks know I'm coming.
They have become my favorites around here.

But I must tell you.... 2 of them, Dahlia and Daisy, are total little hussies and have fallen in lust with my Rouen drake. They bother him to death, following him around, doing the head bobbing "I want you" thing. Even laying in front of him and lifting their butts in the air and trying to entice him into the pools..... OMG... they want him. I've never seen such brazen behavior from my ducks before. The sluts!
Decoy tries.... but I think he is overwhelmed.... Usually he is the one making the first move.
you. are. amazing.

You and your mum did an awesome thing, saving those lives. The ducks look sooo happy at your place and their new homes (love u guys who adopted!)
cant believe that family thought it was ok to dump the ducks.................

still gotta finish reading all the posts

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