Today, I paid all of my parents debts...

Good job. I know your mother appreciates what you have done for her - it is so hard to loose your companion of many years, and then to have to worry about money on top of that. I remember when my grandfather died my grandmother told my cousin Andy and I "Well, I guess I am poor now". We looked at each other, and told her " You will never have to worry about money. You have all of us to help if you need it". Ironically she was quite well off, but they never discussed finances - my grandpa was a little bit of a tightwad.
When you die without an estate it's true the debt dies with you, UNLESS your spouse survives you. Because all credit is essentially shared between the two of you. Made my mom super happy to learn my dad had life insurance on all his debts when he died.
My mom and dad helped me all of my young life and I considered it such a blessing to be able to give back by having my mom come and live with me (after my dad died) and not worry about any expenses the last 7 years of her life. I really thought I would not have that opportunity to ever repay them. Good for you Spook. It really breaks my heart to see families that don't care for each other. I've noticed how much you care for friends, so it doesn't surprise me that you care even more for family. Sorry to hear you lost your dad. Moving toward the top of the food chain can be rewarding and painful at the same time. Been there, done that. I agree with a thought you expressed before about giving 110% in marriage, to your children, leading by example in life to do the right thing. AAAA++++ for you!!!
Now I'll finish the story.

It seems my mother found out that the bank had frozen
her and dads checking account as she was at the tellers
counter. Mom was not allowed to withdraw a few dollars
from her account. Even her bank issued VISA card was

Mom (and my wife, who was with her) said the teller was
"mean to her"....that the teller seemed happy at her pain.

I'm willing to bet thats a mistake that teller won't make again
anywhere soon.

Insulting me is a bad mistake. Insulting my mother is a worse
mistake. I'm nobody to play with.

I know the president of the bank. We've been friends a long
time. We go way back. And I know he's at the home office, and
mom deals at a branch.

But sometimes I don't play nice.

I had the bank president to be at mom's branch. Told him what
time I would be there. With my mother. I wanted the first parking
spot by the door reserved for her, and I wanted service befitting
her. ( I've put a lot of money through his bank)

He met our car, helped my mother out and escorted her into the
bank. Private office, where her every need was catered to today.
Whatever she wanted, by him personally.

And one of the things mom wanted was an apology from that

I'm willing to bet that today was a lesson that teller won't soon

But mom feels better about it now. The president escorted her
out and back into our car. He even had one of the employees
go out and warm the car up. (Mom's old, doesn't do the cold well)

Spook...who's old and mean.
Good for you Spook! And That's in no way mean. The teller was out of place, and the situation should never have happened!
But thank goodness you are there for your Mom, as you've been there for your Dad the whole time.
Now I'll finish the story.

It seems my mother found out that the bank had frozen
her and dads checking account as she was at the tellers
counter. Mom was not allowed to withdraw a few dollars
from her account. Even her bank issued VISA card was

Mom (and my wife, who was with her) said the teller was
"mean to her"....that the teller seemed happy at her pain.

I'm willing to bet thats a mistake that teller won't make again
anywhere soon.

Insulting me is a bad mistake. Insulting my mother is a worse
mistake. I'm nobody to play with.

I know the president of the bank. We've been friends a long
time. We go way back. And I know he's at the home office, and
mom deals at a branch.

But sometimes I don't play nice.

I had the bank president to be at mom's branch. Told him what
time I would be there. With my mother. I wanted the first parking
spot by the door reserved for her, and I wanted service befitting
her. ( I've put a lot of money through his bank)

He met our car, helped my mother out and escorted her into the
bank. Private office, where her every need was catered to today.
Whatever she wanted, by him personally.

And one of the things mom wanted was an apology from that

I'm willing to bet that today was a lesson that teller won't soon

But mom feels better about it now. The president escorted her
out and back into our car. He even had one of the employees
go out and warm the car up. (Mom's old, doesn't do the cold well)

Spook...who's old and mean.
Spook, you are a good son. You took care of your mother like a son should. We need more people like you in this world. Bless you, Maye Ride the Glide.....Got Gait....I Do....
the fact you dealt with that teller is great, now your mum can forget all about it. the fact you protected and stood up for her is something she can remember forever. well done you x
A true example of 'Honour thy father and thy mother.' A piece of good news in a sometimes very selfish world.
Go get 'em Spook!

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