Today is Day 20 - Anything Else I Need to Know?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
I have seven eggs in a Brisnea Mini Advanced. I set them the evening of April 6th, so I'm expecting them to hatch this weekend!

As recommended in the instructions, I removed the turner a couple days ago, and laid little bits of paper towels underneath the eggs. Filled up the water and left them alone.

The water looked a bit low this morning, so I opened it up just to fill it real quick and left it alone.

Just now, I heard some peeping from the incubator!!! It won't be long now!

Are there any last-minute tips for the last couple days of incubation?? This is my first time, so I am looking for words of wisdom and experience. :)
Just be patient. Waiting is the hardest part but most critical. If all hatch you can remove them after they are all dry. If some hatch and others don't wait until the end of day 21 or even 22 to let any late bloomers hatch if they are going too. Alot of people try to help the chicks out but in my exsperiance this does more harm than good. Mainly be patient. And happy hatch.
Just be patient. Waiting is the hardest part but most critical. If all hatch you can remove them after they are all dry. If some hatch and others don't wait until the end of day 21 or even 22 to let any late bloomers hatch if they are going too. Alot of people try to help the chicks out but in my exsperiance this does more harm than good. Mainly be patient. And happy hatch.


I'm leaving them alone. And good thing, too - just looked and two of the seven eggs have pipped!!! I'm beyond excited!

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