Today my rooster atack my 8 week old hen


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
the rooster bite the baby neck and tried to snap its neck . so i left the big roo out coop tonight
Who is the roo and who is the hen? They both look like roos to me. I have a barred rock cockerel and he isn't always the nicest guy. He always seems to be starting ruckus. How old are they? The Barred Rock looks fairly young. Other is hard to tell since the pic is close up and a bit fuzzy.
I wouldn't put my chickens together until they were nearly full grown.... I too think you have a barred rock roo!
Yes, I've had to put roo's out on occassion. Now I know when I've introduced hens about that age there may have been some very mild aggression just because the young ones were strangers and they didn't recognize his authority (a quick peck or a short chase). But it wasn't a persistent, prolonged attack. Sounds like you are wise to be careful.
the frist pic is 9/week old and the other pic was a 1 year old I got up this moring and decide to mange my flock off with his head the. I have 2 year old long horn he is the king and 14 babies

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