today my rooster became a football...... oops...


Diagnosed w/ Muscovitis
10 Years
Feb 7, 2009
Tombstone, AZ
So my friendly polish roo, became a not so friendly polish roo over the past few weeks... well today he actually charged me, so i politely pushed him back with my foot. Well he charged me again!!!!
So i football punted him! OOPS! it was a reaction. hes ok but i felt bad. he used to be my favorite!!!

Were you messing with his girls? Does he have enough girls?
He's challenging you to be the dominant one. Don't let him get away with it. Not mch meat for a cassrole on those Polish boys
lol. he only has one hen right now, im getting a bunch of FREE LAYERS on friday :::::insert a happy dance here:::::: so i'll give him some. BUT its not like hes getting jiggy with it! he doesnt!!! no fertile eggs from his hen.....
It is is the air. My Ameraucana roo did the same thing to me this afternoon. He came at me from behind. I sent him flying to.
mine did it again the other day, I happened to have a bag of salad in my hand and bopped him up side the head with it. Worked better than anything else actually.
hahaaaaa guess that gives a whole new meaning to "getting his salad tossed"!!!!
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