Today was Chick day!!!!!!


11 Years
Apr 28, 2008
Central Massachusetts
I must be crazy!!!!! We just put 12 eggs in the incubator on the 17th, but couldn't wait the 21 days for new chicks. So we went to the local feed store today and got 8 more chicks. Oh yeah, did I mention that we don't have room for 8 more chicks and whatever we are able to hatch. I know what my dh and I will be doing in the next few weeks - EXPANDING! We got 2 RR, 2 California White, 2 Black Sex Links, 1 Brown Leghorn and 1 White Leghorn. Can't wait to see what will hatch.

Had to share! Very excited, and my family thinks that we are crazy people, because we like the idea of farming. In the near future, we will be getting some goats too. Just need to do our research first.

Thanks for letting me go on and on and on!
NOBODY will think you are "crazy" or "strange" at BYC. This is the one place I feel free to let my hair down and express myself.

It so hard to believe we are surrounded by people who think doing the natural thing is "dirty" or " low class" or "wasteful".

Good luck with the new chicks !

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