Toddlers are Quackers

LOL! I can't remember what was going on yesterday, but I remember that Banti was the one I wanted to ask to remind me to check on my sourdough starter in two hours. I didn't ask, so it was forgotten... And is now all over the counter. :gig

Oops! :lau

"Up! Up! Up!" Got her up.
"Juice!" As she points down the stairs. I grabbed an outfit.
"Phone!" Gave it to her. "Clothes!" She walked down the stairs, chose milk, thanked me. Then asked for "Baby". Her show.

Oh, my gosh! I went to change her diaper, and needed a diaper from her bag. I think we are all familiar with the plastic pouch in the diaper bag for wet clothes. Her urine soaked clothing was mixed in amongst her clean clothing!
I am glad that I don't use their clothes! It looks like I have extra work to do… I c it looks like I have extra work to do… Again! I'll explain later.
Oh, my gosh! I went to change her diaper, and needed a diaper from her bag. I think we are all familiar with the plastic pouch in the diaper bag for wet clothes. Her urine soaked clothing was mixed in amongst her clean clothing!
I am glad that I don't use their clothes! It looks like I have extra work to do… I c it looks like I have extra work to do… Again! I'll explain later.

Hi everyone.
Oh, my gosh! I went to change her diaper, and needed a diaper from her bag. I think we are all familiar with the plastic pouch in the diaper bag for wet clothes. Her urine soaked clothing was mixed in amongst her clean clothing!
I am glad that I don't use their clothes! It looks like I have extra work to do… I c it looks like I have extra work to do… Again! I'll explain later.

Oh, my gosh! I went to change her diaper, and needed a diaper from her bag. I think we are all familiar with the plastic pouch in the diaper bag for wet clothes. Her urine soaked clothing was mixed in amongst her clean clothing!
I am glad that I don't use their clothes! It looks like I have extra work to do… I c it looks like I have extra work to do… Again! I'll explain later.

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