Toddlers are Quackers

But you just said you hate swim lessons.
i just dont like forcing her to do things

Since switching to bottles (she was offered the breast only two or three times a day. They almost lost her) there has been mold and spoiled milk in her bottles. I would have to clean out the diaper bag to get the old bottles clean. They would just use them dirty.
The diaper bag lasted about a month. I had always supplied all but formula. They weren't giving me enough formula, so I started buying that too. They supplied the baby. (Naked all winter, over dressed all summer.
) Good thing I know how to make formula from scratch!
I still had to find dirty bottles in her carrier. Now we are (mostly) on cups. They are just as moldy and full of spoiled milk. They now send a cooler. Full of spilled and stinky juice and milk. Diapers are mostly supplied by them lately. I said that I couldn't afford it. They are getting assistance for a child they never have. I got tired of being messed over. I still buy diapers. I often have six diapers from them for four days. I think I got three to last me until Saturday night.

So, now her cups are in the sink, cooler cleaned out, and her laundry will be washed later. Along with the diaper bag.
i hate these people, a lot
are you still here?
well, being tagged, you will be. Today (like starting this minute) is day 18. What did you suggest I do? Keep the girls in the box until the chicks are out, then take the girls out, the box down, and give them the chicks on the floor? Put some chicks and a girl in the litter box?
I know I should remember. I don't. Forgive me?

Just trying to get caught up, was at work yesterday and couldn't keep up between calls.... and this morning have tried to read 2 or 3 pages during lulls in the cooking projects.

I don't like moving a broody close to hatch... let them hatch out at least a couple of the eggs where they are and then move them to a floor nest. Just check them every couple of hours to make sure no one fell out. Not really as much of a problem with as hot as it is, the chicks rarely venture out from under the fluff till they are completely dry and at that point they can tolerate our 80 degree coops for an hour or two.
Oh, good. Thank you! Now, here is to hoping that the eggs under the girls aren't going to hatch too much sooner. The voices can figure out that solution thankfully.
LOL! I keep getting annoyed that the older SPR are peeping still because I can't tell where it is coming from when I am standing outside the coop.
Oh, good. Thank you! Now, here is to hoping that the eggs under the girls aren't going to hatch too much sooner. The voices can figure out that solution thankfully.
LOL! I keep getting annoyed that the older SPR are peeping still because I can't tell where it is coming from when I am standing outside the coop.
you shouldn't be relying on the voices in your head.......

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