Toe nail mass growth?


7 Years
Nov 9, 2012
My one hen is about 5 or 6 years old and got bumblefoot, when I was treating it I noticed a strange growth on the bottom of her middle nail, almost the size of a small pinky nail. It seemed to bother her when I tugged at it. Not thinking I didnt take a picture and it cut at it untill it was "gone". she was limping a bit before this and I thought it was from the bumblefoot but I think it may have been a combo of both things. It was very hard and didnt bleed. It seemed to me like it was more nail, growing at the base of the nail near the skin.
I noticed another nail seems to be starting to have a bump on the bottom and maybe growing the other?
here are some picture..I did put blue kot on them just in case it would help.
if you know anything or have any ideas please let me know!! i cant seem to find anything and not sure what this is.
Thank you!!!
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i didnt think that would happen on the nail. interesting.
is there i can or should do to help them or make her more comfortable? could that have been the cause of her limping? she is kinda a a girly chicken
The combo of the bumble and the warts probably made her limp. You can coco butter or coconut oil the little lumps to soften them and that will make her more comfy. Good thing though, they will eventually go away just like people its just a reaction to a virus she's picked up at some point and they'll just go away in time.:)

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