Tolbunt Polish

I'm trying to download photos I took of my crew today but I'm on my iPad..laptop fried a few weeks ago...and who I go to my photos the browse option isn't showing:(. I'll keep trying different methods
Well that's encouraging.

Yea, that's pretty good!

That may explain them pulling them off the site for a while...I had emailed them some time back and they said it would be a bit before they had them. I put a deposit on some a few days ago. I want the cold to pass first and then I can pick some up. I live near them so won't have to stress them with shipping...or me either!
They (Greenfire) have a young frizzle pair at auction on another site right now. Don't know if I'm allowed to post the name of another auction site or not so I won't. Lets just say it's a rare breed auction site. The bids way up there already. Wish I had that kind of money to spend. I want some Tolbunts soooooo bad!!

Hope these came out!!! Had to bribe the babies with apples to come out for an egg this week!!!!! Ignore the marans and OE hen in there..they hatched together and I left those hens in there so the tolbunt anf GL girls didnt get over mated!

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