Tomato 🍅


Sep 10, 2019
Is it ok to feed red tomatoes crushed and cooked in a pot to chickens?
Like home grown ripe tomatoes, diced or crushed with some water and cooked for a bit. Would it be ok for chickens to eat? Also would it be ok to feed it everyday along with all their other food? Thanks!!
Cooked or raw should be fine.

Every day should be fine, unless the chickens eat so much tomato they skip their other food. (The tomato doesn't hurt them, but skipping their normal food does hurt them.) Some chickens will stop when they've had enough, while others will keep eating and overdo it-- I don't know which way your chickens will be.
add my agreement to @NatJ and @Weeg . Tomatoes aren't the danger some lists claim they are -they are mostly water, and are fine in moderation. Though I prefer to give mine to my dogs, because a small percentage opf the seeds will make it thru their digestive tract unscathed and be deposited with the morning constitutional - which then results in well vertilized volunteer tomatoes on the property. The same can not be said of tomato seeds and a chicken's digestive system.

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