too cold to start now?


7 Years
Oct 18, 2015
i live in Northern KY we just had our first frost, however high 70s later this week. is it too late in the season to start?

Welcome! You mean, start with chickens? Chicks? Other poultry? Not really too late, you can start anytime. Probably easier to start with older birds at this time of year, although we've had chicks hatch with the broody hen, and live with their mother in the cold winter, with a little extra help from us, as far as heat and shelter. But not much help, really.
The only other concern that comes to mind is the threat of bird flu returning with the fall migration. I wouldn't let that be a big factor, but it is something to consider. If you're going to start now, it might be wise to strictly follow the protocol for biosecurity.
If you already have a good coop/run built and all ready to be occupied, it should be fine.
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OR plan on brooding inside a lot longer than you probably want. Our Seramas are being kept inside for the winter anyway, so we always have begock inside.
I brood in an out side hutch in the dead of winter every year (I always say I won't, but :oops: ). The chicks do long as the power stays on. I've brought boxes of chicks inside to sit next to the wood stove more times than I'd like to admit and I WON'T be doing it again this year (I swear :D ).

If you're even planning on starting with chicks, that is.
I would brood them in the coop so they can acclimate to the colder weather. I would still provide them with heat on one end of the brooder and let them self regulate their own temps,but exposure to cooler temps will help them out.
I hope not , just got chicks a week ago. Inside my coop with an ohio brooder. I think the fall weather will be ok and they should be feathered out when really cold weather gets here. They are chicks, so just take care of them as you would in may or june.

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